英语人>词典>汉英 : 文艺复兴 的英文翻译,例句
文艺复兴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
renaissance  ·  Renaissance

Revival of Learning · Revival of Letters
更多网络例句与文艺复兴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Indeed, so convenient was the label that it came to stand for all music between the Roman de Fauvel and the Renaissance: thus volume iii of the New Oxford history of Music is entitled Ars Nova and the Renaissance, 1300-1540(London, 1960)and the major historical surveys in MGG follow the sequence'Ars Antiqua','Ars Nova','Renaissance'.


The eighteenth century has certain coincidence with the Renaissance in some extent, both of them blazon forth the existence of individual and atman, and emphasize the individual value and strength, the eighteenth century raises the Renaissance spirit—the subject existence again.


From his book we can appreciate the style and features of Itlian Renaissance. Burckhardt's way of describing history broke a new path of the history of Renaissance.


After aborative reading of The civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, I think Burckhardt's conception of the history had full-bodied Zeitgeist, and the Zeitgeist incorporated as following: new type of concept of modern nation; the individualism which was doughty, dealing with concrete matters relating to work; and the elegant humanism custom.


The article attempts to reveal the cause, process, and the effect of the Carolingian Renaissance from the perspective of the mutual relationships between Christianity and Carolingian Renaissance .


Indeed, some have called for an end to the use of the term, which they see as a product of presentism – the use of history to validate and glorify modern ideals.[12] The word Renaissance has also been used to describe other historical and cultural movements, such as the Carolingian Renaissance and the Renaissance of the 12th century.


It will benefit the building of a harmonious society of our country to research Renaissance, especially to study the renaissant characteristics in European countries, the cultural carrier, and the renaissant thoughts' spread and influence in China.


Although the Renaissance saw revolutions in many intellectual pursuits, as well as social and political upheaval, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments and the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who inspired the term "Renaissance man".


This inlaid engraving is a work of the early renaissance in Tuscany.


The early Renaissance is beginning in the 15 century, in Florence, Italy. The purpose of this article is to explore the characteristic of the arts during the early Renaissance, including the paintings, carvings, and architecture. For example in the painting, Masaccio (AD 1401-1428) invent a method called "Perspective".


更多网络解释与文艺复兴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Geovanni Boccaccio:薄伽丘(文艺复兴,意大利,人文主义)

Meister Johannes Eckhart 爱克哈特(德,神学家,神秘主义) | Geovanni Boccaccio 薄伽丘(文艺复兴,意大利,人文主义) | Thomas More 莫尔 (英国,文艺复兴,空想主义)


文献资料责任 Dokumentationsverantwortung | 文艺复兴 Cinquecento | 文艺复兴.快乐 Cinquecento Happy

Cinquecento Young:文艺复兴.青春

文艺复兴.快乐 Cinquecento Happy | 文艺复兴.青春 Cinquecento Young | 文艺演出 Kulturdarbietungen f

Cinquecento Happy:文艺复兴.快乐

文艺复兴 Cinquecento | 文艺复兴.快乐 Cinquecento Happy | 文艺复兴.青春 Cinquecento Young

Renaissance humanism:文艺复兴时期的人文主义

Renaissance church 文艺复兴式教堂 | Renaissance humanism 文艺复兴时期的人文主义 | renaissance 复兴


"文艺复兴"(Renaissance)这个词,是在19世纪,米开朗琪罗去世三百年之后才被首次用到然后广泛采用的. 生活在文艺复兴时代的决大多数人并没有觉得他们生活的时代是个"更好的"时代,相反的,很多中世纪就有的,人类历史和日常生活中的悲伤和黑暗的事情,

cent. Early Renaissance, Florence:早期文艺复兴,佛洛伦萨

Italy 意大利 | 15cent. Early Renaissance, Florence 早期文艺复兴,佛洛伦萨 | 16cent. High Renaissance, Rome 盛期文艺复兴,罗马

Early Renaissance:早期文艺复兴

晚期哥特式=Late Gothic | 早期文艺复兴=Early Renaissance | 盛期文艺复兴=High Renaissance

The High Renaissance:义大利文艺复兴盛期

义大利文艺复兴初期 The Early Renaissance | 义大利文艺复兴盛期 The High Renaissance | 北欧文艺复兴时期 The Northern Renaissance

Renaissance - High:文艺复兴-高

Renaissance - Early 文艺复兴-早期 | Renaissance - High 文艺复兴-高 | Renaissance - Northern 文艺复兴-北