英语人>词典>汉英 : 接生 的英文翻译,例句
接生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

bring into the world · deliver a child · practice midwifery
更多网络例句与接生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you live near to a farm, or you work on a farm, do not handle lambing ewes, their afterbirth, newborn lambs, or the clothing of anyone who is involved in lambing.


"What is that?" asked the midwife, arching her eyebrow.


One can be a midwife to other people's children, but they're not yours.


Health centers for women and children were set up throughout China from the 1950s to the 1960s and new methods for child delivery as a major measure for controlling puerperal fever and tetanus neonatorum have been crowned with remarkable success. In 1993, the Ministry of Public Health of China put forward a new task to further reduce infant mortality caused by tetanus, so as to meet the 2000 international standard for eliminating tetanus. In 1995, the Ministry of Public Health promulgated the National Action Plan on Eliminating Tetanus Neonatorum. Basing on data gathered from investigation and monitoring, it designated areas highly susceptible to tetanus neonatorum attacks and, while continuing to popularize the new methods of child delivery and encourage hospital childbirths, strove to rapidly develop immunization work among women of childbearing age.


Kennen was born in Bandle City and it is said that in his first living moments he bolted first from the womb and second from the midwife who delivered him.


And only fifty precent(percent of mothers reported washing their hands before handling their new borners.


The study says just 53 percent of birth attendants reported washing their hands with sope and water before delivery, and only 15 percent of mothers reported washing their hands before handling their new borns.


The results showed that these obstetrical departments were not fully utilized.In each studied hospital the obstetric bed occupancy rate did not reach 50% except one county general hospital;the average number of deliveries a week per midwife of doctor was only 0.5-2.6.The result also revealed in some township hospitals mothers stayed a few hours in hospitals after delivery.


The study says just fifty-three percent of birth attendants reported washing their hands with soap and water before delivery.


The study says just fifty-three percent of birth attendants reported washing their hands with soap and water before delivery.


更多网络解释与接生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bring into the world:生(孩子); 接生; 出生时带来

blind to the world [俚]烂醉, 醉得不省人事 | bring into the world 生(孩子); 接生; 出生时带来... | broke to the world [俚]穷得一个钱也没有; 完全破产

sage femme:接生婆,负责接生婴儿的护士

风湿科 rhumatologie | 接生婆,负责接生婴儿的护士 sage femme | 临床医学la medecine clinique

Dr.Gorenberg just had a patient go into labor. Gorenberg:医生有个病人要他接生

I'm sorry,susan. 我很抱歉Su... | Dr.Gorenberg just had a patient go into labor. Gorenberg医生有个病人要他接生 | His new partner is covering for him,if you're comfortable with that. 他的新搭档来替他 如果...


howdah 象轿 | howdie 接生婆 | howdy 您好


maidservant 女仆 | maieutic 接生术的 | maigre 无肉的

art of midwifery/maieutic method:助产术/接生术

? substratum基质 | ? art of midwifery/maieutic method助产术/接生术 | ? irony讥讽


[20]John Fitzgerald甚至称中国的国家(state )不仅是中华民族的"接生婆"(midwife)而且是她的"育种机"(sire). 见前引之"The nationaless state "一文. [22]"党-国"这一概念广泛用于西方中国研究的文献中,它是一个"理想型"(idealtype)的概念,

Registered Midwife:注册接生妇

Registered Mental Health Nurse精神科注册护士 | Registered Midwife注册接生妇 | Registered Nurse 注册护士

Nurse Midwife:接生护士

家访护士--Home Visiting Nurse | 接生护士--Nurse Midwife | 营养专家--Nutritionist


accostable 易接近的 | accouche 接生 | accouchement 分娩