英语人>词典>汉英 : 报案 的英文翻译,例句
报案 的英文翻译、例句


report a case to the security authorities · submit official report on case · register complaints at court
更多网络例句与报案相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have reported this attack to the police, he said on the phone. The website will reopen with an official statement in two or three days.


Somebody reports a case to the security authorities in the river east the mobile phone was lost inside the one Internet bar inside bound of area Zhongshan door, policeman of apanage police station hurries to field survey to obtain evidence, decided a doubtful man that wears white T-shirt in the lock in the monitoring kinescope of the Internet bar.


The lady didn't give her name. She was calling from Ayr, southwest Scotland.


A few days ago, 110 call the police the stage receives one male victim ever the gentleman reports a case to the security authorities, say its shop on the net, by the person with first the means bunco of remittance, the loss makes an appointment with 5000 yuan.


Liu captain to remind the general public, have been attacked by hackers this time must be reported promptly, otherwise they will contribute to the arrogance of criminal elements; again, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening network security, protection of downloaded software, so as to avoid their own home or system loopholes , An opportunity to criminals.


The police threatened to charge Terry with receiving stolen property but he was as clever as a cartload of monkeys and pointed out that none of the items had been reported stolen .


The lady was watching a film on television and saw swimmers in distress . She mixed up drama with real life and called the coastguard.


Cite a case again, if your credit card was stolen, brush calorie of consumption, door of the Ministry of Public Security won't report a case to the security authorities because of you absolutely, and complemental your loss.


A 52-year-old man from the German town of Darmstadt tried in vain to get a refund for 400 euros (US$475) worth of what he said was "bad marijuana" from his dealer before turning to the police for help, according to authorities.


In case of slight accident in non-road environment, Party B shall report to traffic administration department or the insurance company and waiting for the perambulation.


更多网络解释与报案相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



battalion chief:大队长

消防大队长 (Battalion Chief)诺克斯(Norcross)表示,当局在4时59分接获三通报案电话后,出动三辆云梯车、四辆消防车前往救援,赶到现场后发现楼宇内不断释出浓烟,许多人狼狈地从防火梯和楼梯逃出.

stolen briefcase:被盗的行李箱

report 报案,报告 | stolen briefcase 被盗的行李箱 | wallet 钱包

Well, I got the call about 2:我是2点左右接到报案电话的

- I don't know. - What do you know?|- 我不知道 - 那你知道... | Well, I got the call about 2.|我是2点左右接到报案电话的 | The girl found Brody by the river and he wasn't moving.|小女孩在河边找到了波洛第...



Daft Punk:愚蠢朋克

昨天,受害人的中国同事向早报反映,有人谎称电子音乐团体"愚蠢朋克"(Daft Punk)将于今天在上海开演唱会,卷走多名在沪的外籍人士百万多元的门票钱. 目前,被骗者中20多位已向卢湾警方报案.

seditious libel:煽动性诽谤

在1967年科蒂斯出版社诉巴茨案14中,最高法院驳斥了纽约时报案原则只适用于"煽动性诽谤"(seditious libel)的说法,强调时报案所确立的原则,是基于全国上下普遍认同的一项看法,即对公众事务的辩论应该是"毫无拘束、富有活力和广泛公开的".

What the hell:他妈的

卡立说,报案书指该名警官是针对>一篇名为(AG calls for immediate probe into allegations)的报道,报案要求彻查此事. 他也笑说:"这种由警方自己报警的行为,到底算是他妈的(what the hell)怎么一回事?"

streamlining of reporting procedure:简化报案程序

stray bullet 流弹 | streamlining of reporting procedure 简化报案程序 | street cries for buying 街头叫买

The Aesir building! You mean|nobody's called anything in yet:埃斯"大楼!你是说|根本没有人打电话报案

What unit is responding|to the Aesi... | The Aesir building! You mean|nobody's called anything in yet?|"埃斯"大楼!你是说|根本没有人打电话报案? | - Would you like to report an incident?|- Hell, yes, I'd...