英语人>词典>汉英 : 抒情方式抒情 的英文翻译,例句
抒情方式抒情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Besides the colors and brushwork, she is also very lyrical in the composition of her painting and her representation of nature.


In respect of image group, the thesis focuses on analysizing the philosophical implication and aesthetical connotation of the wildness, the grape garden, and the animal images; the thesis holds that those images express Zhang Wei's expectation of ideal life and his castigation of the unequitable reality. In respect of stylistic feature, the thesis focuses on elaborating the poetic style of narration; the thesis holds that the strong lyric flavor, the rich philosophical connotation, the conciseness and vividness in language, and the originality in conception are the key factors in making of the poetic traits. The thesis also points out the identical inclination in his novels in the respect of the art conception.


Terms like mezzo-soprano and lyric coloratura soprano , along with many other designations were developed during this period and have had a lasting impact on the way singers and voice teachers classify voices.


In general, the traditional characteristics of Chinese films are as follows: the formula for artistic creation is dominated by realism; the ideographic method is inclined to conveyimplications; the narrative technique is characteristically an integrated story; the portrayal of the charaters' fate is based on dramaticism;the golden mean promotes moderate and implicit emotional exp ression; the ideology holds philosophical and instructional significance.


For instance,"Holy Thursday" with its vision of charity children lit "with a radiance all their own" reminds us terribly of a world of loss and institutional cruelty.


In the designs of time, emotion has very important functions. Along with the development of computer, network, digital and electronic technologies in 1990s, non-substance designing has became a leading trend. Computer has replaced paper and pencil to become the main instrument, also the software has turned into a part of design. More important thing is the designs of physical products commence to hanker for lyric-value, advocate the designs that can arouse poetic responses and focus on the non-substance services, technique and audio-visual feeling. Design subject has already speared the evaluative trend from applied material engineering, technical science and functions of products and other physical modality and value to intangibleness such as services, technique, culture, emotion, poetry and so on.


By means of the natural and unrestrained language, the free and loose structure, unconventional works constructed informal style of writing, smashed the trammels of aesthetic traditional conceptions, also displayed exciting vehemence and power, with unpurified feelings as the center of expression, unbosoming and pouring out the hearts as the lyric fundamental method.


This paper attempts to study those typical texts in detail,on the basis of the in-depth analysis of the narrative art and techniques of the 1940's narrative poems,mainly from four aspects:the lyric narration,imagery narration, dramatic narration,"moledicized" narration,so as to explore and appraise their historical contribution,values,functions and limitations in the modem poem history.In the narrative poems in the 1940s,the technique of"lyric narration" is embodied mainly in the high degree of artistic integration of "felling" and "polt".The lyricism is fully embodied in both structure and language,and generally through two ways:the lyricism of the dramatis personae and the lyricism of relaters or poet himselfThe narrative poets in 1940s have further developed the "mood" type of narrative poems(a kind of structure model of the modem narrative poem)which was created by predecessors.


Yi Yu Ti prose present the intensely subject lyric consciousness, and it is good at utilizing pomes as the significant lyric means. Its language also presents the emotional aesthetic.


They exerted great efforts in surpassing the dull and pompous pattern of emotion expression and exploited new patterns featured by the objectivity, rationalization and dramatization in emotion conveyance which enriched the expressive patterns and greatly contributed to the rationalization of modern poetry.

&九叶诗派&是 2 0世纪 40年代崛起的新生代诗人,他们努力超越当时诗坛抒情样式的单调和浮泛,自觉探索新的抒情表达方式,其特点与成就主要体现在三个方面:客观化抒情、智性化抒情、戏剧化抒情,为丰富新诗的表达策略,提高新诗的智性品质作出了贡献。

更多网络解释与抒情方式抒情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

colloquial language:俗语

威廉斯追求并创造了诗化的戏剧语言,主要是利用了雅语(elevated language)和俗语(colloquial language)中的诗性,注重了人物语言中的节奏与韵律,并以歌剧式咏叹调(aria)的方式使人物的抒情语言与音乐似的音调及形体语言得到有机结合.


总之,这三个类别说出了人类语言的三种基本功用:美标的(aestetic),逻辑的(logic),力与伦理的(energetic-ethic). 文学中的这三个类别,抒情、叙事、戏剧,是人类处世说话的基本方式,因此为研究圣咏,为沿用圣咏,也都有它们的价值.

