英语人>词典>汉英 : 打饱嗝 的英文翻译,例句
打饱嗝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
burp  ·  burped  ·  burping  ·  burps

更多网络例句与打饱嗝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have seen a lot of people just belch like that after eating.


Belching would show that you like their food.


It is very rude to burgh during meals, or it will be seen as a very rude behaviour.


My friend Natalie can't see the point in you. She says that all you do is burp, fart, dribble, grin inanely and emit a series if unintelligible noises.


Why we don't like his friend that loves to moony out the car window.Blokes find this guy hilarious. His burping, farting, hooligan antics supply them with hours of fun.


English: Babies a month soon, but these days the regular grunt grunt of belly ring, but also easy to play burp.


As long as I remember after each feeding to hold up his stand pat his back, until he hit burp, so he can minimize吐奶phenomenon.


Eat satisfied of I re- return to the companion to lie down, looking at to become the bright sky slowly, I beat a satisfied 嗝 fully satisfiedly, then shut to start go to bed up the eye.


You may feel better by burping loudly after eating or drinking , but other people will not !


Also, there's no need to stifle burps at the dinner table nor to react to the burps of others.


更多网络解释与打饱嗝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


buddha 在这一瞬间,你觉得他自己简直跟神一样. | burp 你满足地打了个饱嗝. | cackle 你发出一阵母鸡下蛋似的格格笑声.


打包票 guarantee | 打饱嗝 burp | 打成平手 break een

He staggers out of the bar:他摇摇晃晃走出了酒吧

3 She burps. 她打饱嗝. | 4 He staggers out of the bar. 他摇摇晃晃走出了酒吧. | 5 I still don't get it. What does this have to do with us? 我还是不明白,这跟我们有什么关系?

A little unladylike, what can I say:的问题Issue 偶咋说 不象个贵妇哈

Oops, might burp in your face 哈哈 打饱嗝喷到您脸上(酒喝多了... | A little unladylike, what can I say的问题Issue 偶咋说 不象个贵妇哈 | Well oh gosh I'm not posh me, I wear old socks 好吧 偶不时髦 偶穿着...

A little unladylike, what can I say:我咋说 不象个贵妇哈

Oops, might burp in your face 哈哈 打饱嗝喷到你脸上(酒喝多了打嗝) | A little unladylike, what can I say? 我咋说 不象个贵妇哈 | Well oh gosh I'm not posh me, I wear old socks 好吧 我不时髦 我穿着旧袜...

Does baby need to be burped:宝宝要打嗝吗

The sausage is made of meat.香肠是用肉做的. | Does baby need to be burped?宝宝要打嗝吗? | Ah oh, you had a big burp.哎呦,打了一个大饱嗝.

She burps:她打饱嗝

2 She hiccups. 她打嗝. | 3 She burps. 她打饱嗝. | 4 He staggers out of the bar. 他摇摇晃晃走出了酒吧.


Syrup 糖浆 | Hiccups 打嗝 | Burp 饱嗝

She hiccups:她打嗝

1 It was an accepted fact. 那是一个普遍公认的事实. | 2 She hiccups. 她打嗝. | 3 She burps. 她打饱嗝.

break een:打成平手

打饱嗝 burp | 打成平手 break een | 打耳光 slap sb. in the face