英语人>词典>汉英 : 打开缺口 的英文翻译,例句
打开缺口 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gap  ·  gaps

make a breach
更多网络例句与打开缺口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then Sarpedon seized the battlement in his strong hands, and tugged at it till it an gave way together, and a breach was made through which many might pass.


Captain Miller and his company of rangers manage to crawl through the German obstacles to the seawall and assault a German casemate, opening an exit off the beach.

Miller 上尉和他的突击队员们试图穿越德军的海防线,来攻击德军的一个碉堡,打开海滩的缺口。

The first breach in this petrified outlook on nature was made not by a natural scientist but by a philosopher. In 1755 appeared Kant's Allgemeine Naturgesehichte und Theorie des Himmels .


This article starts with a review of the history of the "Expression" conception in the Occident literature tradition,from which to conclude the base connotation of modern "Expression" conception in occident.Relying on this springboard,we analyses the history of the occidental modern plastic arts gradually ,then the naissance and development of the occidental modern plastic arts may boil down to a going-deep course driven by the "Expression" conception:the impressionism which had been pursuing sensual reality brought out a turning point from Representation to expression;Faurism accomplished the consciousness of Expression based on inheriting and criticizing Post-Impressionisme, and resisted the suppressant on Expression by Physical Image; the German Expressionism and Surrealism uplifted Expression at the same time they resisted Physical Image by "Nugatory Physical image"; From the apocalypse of Cubism,Suprematism and De Stijl tended towards Pure Plastic which excluded Physical Image completely,meaning that it had realized absolute Expression in the range of plastic;After WW II,artsists in western detected that Pure Plastic had actually suppressed Expression newly,as a result of Abstract-Expressionism and Mirnirnaliam Art,Expression broke away from Pure Plastic gradually to seek some new possibilities other than plastic.


"Any break in the skin, even a pinprick, provides an opening for dangerous germ s."


But the pragmatical mend did not narrow the gap on the traditional political pattern of Chinacaused by the influence of the West.


We'd rather open up a small gap and let water flow out slowly.


The flouting of basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood.


Her defense system in the Central Pacific had been breached at many points and was ripe for disruption.


Flank attack on the shoulder of the main tasks, by virtue of individual or collective break from the golf course with the open side of the gap.
