英语人>词典>汉英 : 才艺 的英文翻译,例句
才艺 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与才艺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fame or Lame is a new online community for talent. It's recently launched its beta site.

Fame or lame 是一个新出现的展示才艺的网上论坛,由 beta 网站最近才设立的。

Yes,this event is a chance for families to recognize their talents,skills and abilities.

" "是的,本次活动是让每个家庭充分展示自己才艺的绝佳机会。

Because I'm going to take part in a talent show in the Children's Palace.


Who do you think is the most creative act in the school talent show?


Darrell : Music, food for the soul and soother of beasts.

Jessie :音乐是精神的灵魂,才艺是知识的体现。

I sang Céline Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' at a talent show.

" "我唱席琳迪翁的'我的心将继续'在才艺表演。

Seniority plays only a very small role in the decision, stated one fabricator.


Sweet pea, I think this is your talent.


In addition, my parents had emphasized on the cultivation of my talents. I have learned dancing, painting, figure skating, flute, and keyboard. These activities were not only added fun to my life, but also a great stress relief channel and rooted my aesthetic sense. Since I've been taking many talent lessons as a child, I have found interest in handcrafting as well. I would design postcards and learned to make pastry from my mother. Therefore, I enjoy delicacies.


Again I reflected: I scarcely knew what school was: Bessie sometimes spoke of it as a place where young ladies sat in the stocks, wore backboards, and were expected to be exceedingly genteel and precise: John Reed hated his school, and abused his master; but John Reed's tastes were no rule for mine, and if Bessie's accounts of school-discipline (gathered from the young ladies of a family where she had lived before coming to Gateshead) were somewhat appalling, her details of certain accomplishments attained by these same young ladies were, I thought, equally attractive.


更多网络解释与才艺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our class is organizing a talent show to raise money for charity:我们班正在组织才艺表演来为慈善机构捐款

222.quite a good boy = a very good boy一... | 223.Our class is organizing a talent show to raise money for charity我们班正在组织才艺表演来为慈善机构捐款 | 224.The store clerk gave you the wrong size店员...

talent show:才艺表演

有没有机会在学校的才艺表演(talent show) 中显露过身手?朋友说,兴趣倒是有,但是在学校里却没有表演过,我问为何?答曰,在孩子同年龄的伙伴之中,弹钢琴不被认为是一件"酷"(cool)的事情,因此孩子不想让周围同学知道他在弹钢琴.

talent show:才艺展示

此次决赛共分四个环节,分别为自我介(self-introduction),定题演讲(prepared speech)、图片描述(picture presentation)以及才艺展示(talent show). 除自我介绍外,每个选手的比赛时间为7分钟. 此次比赛主要仿照全国高职高专英语口语大赛的形式进行.

a talent show:才艺表演

13.送某人某物send sb sth | 14.才艺表演a talent show | 15.额外的英语课extra Englsih class

a talent show:才艺展示

14.in fact 事实上 | 15.a talent show 才艺展示 | 16.what's your hobby 你有什么爱好

a talent show:一场才艺展示

36. fly over us 在我们的上方飞行 | 37. a talent show 一场才艺展示 | 38. wear the national costumes of different countries 穿着不同国家的民族服装

the talent show:才艺表演

14. negative words否定的词语 | 15. the talent show 才艺表演 | 16. a great success巨大的成功

the talent show:才艺展示

86. a great success 一个巨大的成功 | 87. the talent show 才艺展示 | 88. win the prize for the best performer 赢得最佳表演者的称号

TV talent show:电视才艺秀

boy band--男子乐队 | TV talent show--电视才艺秀 | municipalities --直辖政府

It seems to me that your fast-flying talent is well-suited:你的快速飞行才艺看起来很适合

Perhaps Tinker Bell was not the only one responsible.|或... | It seems to me that your fast-flying talent is well-suited|你的快速飞行才艺看起来很适合 | to chasing down each and every one of the thistle...