英语人>词典>汉英 : 慰劳 的英文翻译,例句
慰劳 的英文翻译、例句


appreciate sb.'s services and present gifts
更多网络例句与慰劳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children sitting on the bedpan, the best toys can be used "to thank" him.


In order to minimize the saddness of returning to California, I was consoled by two boxful of plumeria cuttings collected over the seven days of visit. Being able to bring a piece of Maui home and grow them with the hope of one day smelling their fragrance gives me enough comfort that I maintained a smiling face flying back.


Dear: I know you don't like English And I can't imagine whe you retter But this letter ish't a joke So pleuse read the letter patiently First I know you is from mysister your formen girl frieng I still Can't wnders thand why you chouse me Be fore that phone call we just strangers and we will not know edch other forever But I'm you girlfriend now Now we are used to calling eaeh other every day You always so tired afthe a day's nork However I don't know how to Comfort you To be honest I don't believe a man's sweet I choose to fvust you maybe I'm easy to be deceived If I always say "I Don't you" make you feer unlapay please forgive me Don't be worried.


It's stored in the school's cloakroom, next to basketballs and other playground equipment.


22 Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites, who showed good understanding of the service of the LORD.

30:22 希西家慰劳一切善於事奉耶和华的利未人。

Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites, who showed good understanding of the service of the LORD.

30:22 希西家慰劳一切善于事奉耶和华的利未人。

By the end of the war, the final stage was symbolized by the reverting of music to its fundamental essence – comfort. For instance, the mobilized entertainer groups would exhilarate the warriors from agricultural and fishing villages. In summary, these three stages demonstrated the role of music in war.


Pulls out a time to enjoy, this is consoles laboriously to oneself!


Description: The film endows new life to the love song of "dance of cigarette" and "Haicai tune" uniquely owned by Huayao Yi through the story of 12 flowerlike girls playing dragon dance.


Xilake to Bulumate Jewish graveyard meets with profanatory feel special astonish and give the strongest condemnation.


更多网络解释与慰劳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


必能让妈妈胃口大开. 以牛排为名的Gordon Grill,则推出了四道式的午餐及五道式的晚餐配套. 北海道扇贝、美国冷藏安格斯黑牛肉(U.S Black Angus beef)和清蒸虾虎鱼(goby)等精致美食,将能好好的慰劳妈妈们的辛苦.


必能让妈妈胃口大开. 以牛排为名的Gordon Grill,则推出了四道式的午餐及五道式的晚餐配套. 北海道扇贝、美国冷藏安格斯黑牛肉(U.S Black Angus beef)和清蒸虾虎鱼(goby)等精致美食,将能好好的慰劳妈妈们的辛苦.

No, l"m straight, man.|- You sure:不 我不搞基|- 真的不要吗

Yo, Worm, you need a ride?|嘿 Worm 需要我慰劳一下吗 | - No, l"m straight, man.|- You sure?|- 不 我不搞基|- 真的不要吗 | - Yeah, l"m good.|- All right, my nigga.|- 对 我可一好男孩|- 好吧 小黑鬼

Flipsyde - Toss It Up:你们要怎么慰劳我啊

tip of your tongue-robyn newman这首好听得我自私得一直不想发上来呢!= =原谅 | Flipsyde-toss it up你们要怎么慰劳我啊 | tynisha keli - lullabye又来了,可怕的电子音.

conducted tour:团体旅游 confiscate 没收,充公

condolence 慰劳,怀念 | conducted tour 团体旅游 confiscate 没收,充公 | conscience forum 道德法庭