英语人>词典>汉英 : 怅然若失 的英文翻译,例句
怅然若失 的英文翻译、例句


feel lost · become lost in a deep reverie · be in a despondent mood
更多网络例句与怅然若失相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It seemed that he was in a despondent mood.


She came away suffering as though she had lost something. She was more inexpressibly sad than she had ever been in life.


Ingurgitation in banquet in dream is very happy. Sudden wakening up from dream makes you feel something lost and regretful.


I like to stop at a certain place, even if only a short time to stay, where to breathe some fresh air, but also where the sun shower, watch the birds fly the direction of the sky, and then with a stranger to pass, or Point At the corner, a stranger to look at the background, then,若失disappointed.


If she receive the torii and become a household name but later on, it is cancelled because of her fault, then, she would be regretted and terrify by the bad-mouth coming from neighbors. At that time the feeling of loss only the woman involved understands.


The receiver had to keep single and stay alone for her life. If she receive the torii and become a household name but later on, it is cancelled because of her fault, then, she would be regretted and terrify by the bad-mouth coming from neighbors. At that time the feeling of loss only the woman involved understood.


Red Cherry green plantains, the mid-life figure who eluded us the opportunity, Let us dies, apart from the number of extremely bitter?


Their absence penalises both artist and viewer.


It does twist the knife a bit to realize we could have been that close to an emotional Garnett comeback, but in the end, the Celtics got throttled in Game 7 and the Magic moved on.
