英语人>词典>汉英 : 怀旧 的英文翻译,例句
怀旧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nostomania  ·  reminiscence

remember past times or old acquaintances · recollect the good old days or old acquaintances
更多网络例句与怀旧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because of personal fascination and love of the past, I create an interface with analogic cassette tapes, using my experiences of cross-culture languages try to rethink and show the subtle relationships of communication between machines to people and people to people.


In this version, the spike columns were given heavily textured surfaces, employing a style reminiscent of Antonio Gaudi, architect of Barcelona's Cathedral of the Holy Family in Spain.


The common characteristics are : firstly, these works reflect selective,consumption-oriented and commercialized nostalgia,and secondly,the popularity of these works is closely related to the establishment and expansion of the middle class discourse.


Genealogically analyzing writers dealing with "nostalgia for Shanghai" facilitates the thorough understanding of the phenomenon.


The main findings were as follow: Part 1: Conceptual structure of nostalgic operation image The concept of nostalgic operation image was composed of five sub-concepts:"rhythmic application of force to man-powered device","children's game that involves aiming then shooting","clumsy feedback generated by sudden squeezing action","motion that requires manual skill to keep going stably" and "rotary mechanism that requires effort".


Those of us whose,objective chronological youth has already passed have at least two possible ways of dealing with the situation nostalgically fetishizing an idealized "lost" youth from a position of self-congratulatory "maturity",or thinking up new ways to capture something of the spirit of youthfulness.starting a new venture – a new web magazine , or a new column,a new career – is one such new way.


Reminiscence is a kind of emotional need and a kind of psychal reflection that has profound historiacal foundation.As a stylist,he must transmit this reminiscent theme through his designing works.


This research adopted the method of the literature review, in which to structuralize relations between the emotions that cling to the nostalgia and their influences.


Those of us whose,objective chronological youth has already passed have at least two possible ways of dealing with the situation nostalgically fetishizing an idealized "lost" youth from a position of self-congratulatory "maturity",or thinking up new ways to capture something of the spirit of youthfulness.starting a new venture – a new web magazine , or a new column,a new career – is one such new way.


As one of the famous art film directors, Wang Kar-wei's 2046 thraws expectation on the visual level through his use of music and language to build up his visual notes by juxtaposing the contrasted world of the nostalgic 60s and futuristic kingdom. His movie subverts certain widely accepted norms between the new and the old.


更多网络解释与怀旧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


MONTECRISTO-采用特级里格路烟叶,中至高浓度. | FONSECA-清醇淡雅,淡淡的怀旧特质,适合各种场合 | REY DEL MUNDD-古巴最名贵的雪茄,非常容易入口.

Grandad like reminiscing:爷爷喜欢怀旧

to have a crush on someone 狂热地爱着某人 | Grandad like reminiscing. 爷爷喜欢怀旧. | Grandad's taking a walk down memory lane. 爷爷在记忆的小道上散步. 就是说重温往事.

These nostalgic pennants are individually hand-crafted:这些怀旧pennants是个体手工制作的

Features: 特点: | These nostalgic pennants are individually hand-crafted.这些怀旧pennants是个体手工制作的. | Size - 13 X 32尺寸-1 3× 3 2

impeachment nostalgia:弹劾怀旧;渴望听到克林顿时期的空洞消息

shuicide bomber 被炸弹藏于鞋中的炸弹自杀者 | impeachment nostalgia 弹劾怀旧;渴望听到克林顿时期的空洞消息 | Osamaniac 对拉登痴迷者(尤指妇女)


在西方的古典思想史中,"怀旧"(nostalgia)这个概念是与忧郁症(melancholy)以及四种体液说(胆汁质、多血质、抑郁质、黏液质)相联系的. 也就是说,学者们往往借助于对忧郁症的研究来理解怀旧的症候. 而忧郁症,最初则纯粹是一个医学上的概念.

nostalgia noun:对往事的怀恋/怀旧

feature noun 特征,特色 | nostalgia noun 对往事的怀恋/怀旧 | update verb 更新,使现代化

nostalgia: n.1:思乡病 2.恋旧,怀旧

serenity: n.1.平静,安详,宁静 2.清澈,明朗 | nostalgia: n.1.思乡病 2.恋旧,怀旧 | remedy: n.1.治疗,疗法 2.补救(方法) 3.补偿,赔偿


世界范围内广泛出现、被称之为"怀旧"(nostalgic)的现象是为例. 有些学者将"地方"在全球化时代里所出现的"再地方化"过程视为怀旧现象的体现. ...


a special regard 一种特殊感情 | nostalgic 怀旧的,依恋往事的 | memorable 难忘的


a special regard 特殊的敬意 | nostalgic 怀旧的、思乡的 | memorable 值得回忆的