英语人>词典>汉英 : 归纳为 的英文翻译,例句
归纳为 的英文翻译、例句


reduce to
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The paragenetic sequence of outcrop sandstones may induce to ealy compaction diagenetic facies、carbonate cementation diagenetic facies and feldspar dissolving diagenetic facies, the diagenetic facies of core sandstones are ealy compaction diagenetic facies、ankerite diagenetic facies、authigenetic quarze and kaolinite filling diagenetic facies.


Sampled by Tang Paradise, the basic characters of Tang Garden are analyzed and four characters are generalized , they are magnificence, splendor, austereness and with strong human atmosphere;the aesthetic and innovational characters of culture design ideas, the landscape ecology and innovational characters of ecology design ideas, the geographic landscape and innovational characters of planning design ideas are all analyzed in the paper,.


The color research range is concluded from the viewpoint of vision art, including the color of paint or sketch from nature, decorative color, and color composing, which make different chromatics of three emphases.


This chapter divides into two parts: The first part take the different makings type as the division basis, in the Chinese opera will have the representation, the authenticity, the complete typical feminine image induction will be three types: Bitter in suffering and deep in hatred tragedy, revolutionary struggle hero, emotion supreme love.


Based on prior research,there are two types of governance mode in supplier-network,which are close governance mode and exoteric one.


According to the size and shape of cells,nuclei and nucleoli,and to the NPand the vitelline accumulation,the oogenesis can be divided into five phases:oogonium phase,small growth phase,large growth phase,pro- maturation phase and ma...


Each group contains a detailed classification of different standpoints. Part 4 makes a careful study and analysis of the causes of errors and induces the causes of errors into interlingual errors,intralingual errors,limitation of basic language knowledge and writing skills and ignorance of commenting on composition and correcting errors. Part 5 draws a conclusion and sets forth some error corrections and teaching methods to reduce errors. Part 6 sets forth the authors suggestions and some problems to discuss.


The paper analyses the meaning, feature, and the function of land trust protection from the trust basic principles.


Based on the review of the successive four assessment reports of the IPCC WGII on climate change impacts on streamflow from 1990 to 2007, it is summarized that the First and Second Assessment Reports were regarded as the first generation studies, featuring the impacts of mean climate change on streamflow and the adaptation to it, while the Third and Forth (AR4) Assessment Reports as second generation studies, emphasizing the impacts of anthropogenically forced and natural climate changes on streamflow and the adaptation to them. The progresses and issues in the research methodologies of the impacts of climate change on hydrology and water resources are analyzed.


Water Resources Information Center, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100053, ChinaAbstract : Based on the review of the successive four assessment reports of the IPCC WGII on climate change impacts on streamflow from 1990 to 2007, it is summarized that the First and Second Assessment Reports were regarded as the first generation studies, featuring the impacts of mean climate change on streamflow and the adaptation to it, while the Third and Forth (AR4) Assessment Reports as second generation studies, emphasizing the impacts of anthropogenically forced and natural climate changes on streamflow and the adaptation to them. The progresses and issues in the research methodologies of the impacts of climate change on hydrology and water resources are analyzed.


更多网络解释与归纳为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Baconian:培根哲学的, 归纳的 培根哲学的信仰者

bacon | 咸肉, 熏肉 | Baconian | 培根哲学的, 归纳的 培根哲学的信仰者 | Baconianism | 认为莎士比亚戏剧为培根所著的主张

behavior science:为科学

行为跟行动是不同的,60年代的行为科学(behavior science)到了80年代后就变成了行动科学(active science),行为科学是观察人的外在行为与生理动作,去归纳找出行为的规律,这就是观察动物的本能反映,不合乎人的行为规律,

Boil down to = come down to:归纳为

122. at a short notice 随即 | Boil down to = come down to 归纳为 | On the boil 如火如荼

chamber music:室乐

Apparat被归纳为Glitch / IDM系的电音製作人,其作品以带著感性忧伤神绪见称,更为乐迷津津乐道,是他会为其电音曲目配以室乐(Chamber Music)式真弦乐伴奏,让Apparat的Glitch / IDM电音能得以赋予著一份唯美色彩与动人之处.

Interior Design:内部设计

根据飞利浦照明在欧洲和中国市场的调研,它以价格水平(Price class)、内部设计(Interior design)、产品范围(Product range)和销售风格(Selling style)四个主要变量为依据,并归纳为"四角理论",把商店概括为四个主要类别:价格便宜、商品陈列简单、带社区服务特点的商店;

Product range:产品范围

根据飞利浦照明在欧洲和中国市场的调研,它以价格水平(Price class)、内部设计(Interior design)、产品范围(Product range)和销售风格(Selling style)四个主要变量为依据,并归纳为"四角理论",把商店概括为四个主要类别:价格便宜、商品陈列简单、带社区服务特点的商店;


用于交际的信息是多方面的,可从不同角度去归纳,译界普遍将其归纳为语言的(verbal)和非语言的(non-verbal)两种. 顾名思义,语言信息是指以人类语言充当代码的信息;非语言信息就是除此以外的其他信息. 由此可推断,非语言信息的范围十分广泛,

be relegated to sth:被归纳为

characterize sth标示..的特性 | be relegated to sth被归纳为 | reading assignment阅读作业

gas constant:气体常数

上述三定律可归纳为气体通用方程式,即pV=nRT.其中n为试样气体的总量,R为气体常数(gas constant). 气体定律首先是由真实气体的实验所确立的,虽然真实气体有限地服从这一定律;它们在高温、低压情况下最为符合这一定律. 一种以气体为作功流体的测温仪表,