英语人>词典>汉英 : 式幽默 的英文翻译,例句
式幽默 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与式幽默相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maybe a little dry humor, maybe a little Gallows humor.


He is the father of slapstick humor. Most of his movies were silent black and white films.


He is the father of slapstick humor, funny things using the body.


Here too we experience Goethe's characteristic humor, the excitement and eroticism of the witches' Walpurgis Night, and the moving emotion of Gretchen's tragic fate.


Zany humor and appeals on the basis of fear are out.


Humorous style mainly consists of the use of English vocabulary and the different underlined meaning of the sentence. The formation of humorous style is also closely related to rhetoric, such as hyperbole, contrast, metaphor, irony, zeugma, parody and pun.


This paper probes the pragmatic function s of zeugma in concrete context,namely,humor,satirizing,concision and comprehension,conveying a deep semantic meaning through seemingly contradict structure and expressing feelings and describing psychology as well.


In the performing, Xu showed his excellent technology and humor speech. We were lucky to see his videos, in which they expressed the project with humor language and performance ,and the activity was pushed to a clima x.

而后展示中,许博士不仅技术超群,讲话中还充满了幽默,其中我们还幸运的看到了他们其手制作几个 VEDIO ,里面巧妙的将他们的几个项目用幽默的语言和搞笑的剧情表演,让我们这群好似沐浴在幸运女神光辉下的学生好好地体验了一把&微软式&的幽默,同时将此次活动推上了一个高潮。

Humorous executional styles are more often used in radio and television advertising than in print or magazine advertising where humor is less easily communicated.


The grimmest example of Scotch humour thatI ever heard is this story that was told me of acriminal who was condemned to death.


更多网络解释与式幽默相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


尽管专辑以柔和曲调及"阿巴"(ABBA)式的幽默来代替它的侵略性,但其大量使用的工业元素和极端的自我意识,连另类音乐也无法比及. 当他们的地下热门单曲>(United)出现在这张专辑中,竟然被无限地加速直至只剩17秒.


humorist 幽默作家 | humorist 滑稽者 | humoristichumouristic 幽默式的

make the most of black humour:第三十一式 黑色幽默要够黑

第三十式 妙语新编戏说 adapting and using existing punchlines 63 | 第三十一式 黑色幽默要够黑 make the most of black humour 65 | 第三十二式 随意幽默戏剧性 unintentional humour and situation comedy 66

self-deprecating humour:自嘲式幽默

Labour 工党 | self-deprecating humour 自嘲式幽默 | gaffes and blunders 出言不逊;动辄放炮

Shavian Humor:萧式幽默

幽默语言学:Humor Linguistics | 萧式幽默:Shavian Humor | 幽默翻译:humor translation

Shavian Satire:萧式讽刺

讽刺赋:the Satire Fu | 萧式讽刺:Shavian Satire | 讽刺与幽默:satire and humor


humorist /滑稽者/幽默作家/ | humoristic /滑稽的/幽默式的/ | humorsome /幽默滑稽的/古怪的/


humoristic /滑稽的/幽默式的/ | humorsome /幽默滑稽的/古怪的/ | humour /幽默/诙谐/情绪/体液/使满足/迁就/

gaffes and blunders:出言不逊;动辄放炮

self-deprecating humour 自嘲式幽默 | gaffes and blunders 出言不逊;动辄放炮 | colourful figure 多姿多彩的人物

adapting and using existing punchlines:第三十式 妙语新编戏说

第二十九式 语不惊人死不休 developing punchlines 63 | 第三十式 妙语新编戏说 adapting and using existing punchlines 63 | 第三十一式 黑色幽默要够黑 make the most of black humour 65