英语人>词典>汉英 : 开始进行 的英文翻译,例句
开始进行 的英文翻译、例句


get under way · got under way
更多网络例句与开始进行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cool down creatures from outer space cure any disease cut across cut away cut down cut off cut out cut up cut up dead bodies defend …against defend against develop his live for the theatre develop one's love for… develop---developing/developed---development dream of dream of doing sth dress sb in…. dressed in dressed in diving suits eight feet in height/length/width electric/electrical/electronicadj.

与电有关的/电子的用电的与电有关的电子的开始进行智慧的探索即使,即使,尽管死火山找到使我们永远年轻的方法发现自己来到了怪物的表面上发现他们被…包围了发现他们被包围了防火板,防火板,防火强前总统从什么时候起从那天起,从那天开始,从那天起,从那天开始 from now on 从现在开从那时开始始 from then on,从那时开始从那时起流览…;给人提供一个…。

According to the character of outer shape of modem buses, the numerical calculations are performed from the simplest shape-cuboid by using ANSYS/FLOTRAN software. First, the foreside of the cuboid is modified step by step in 17 models (this is equal to the process of modification to the foreside of a bus).


Have been doing sth.---the present prefect progressive.


Sims and Saleh performed pin site care daily beginning 48 hours after the operation. In their study, they applied Orthox monolateral xators (Orthox Srl, Bussolengo–Verona, Italy)(58.4%), circular xators (19.7%), and the Shefeld Hybrid System (21.9%). Massage was used to release skin adhered to the pin. A cotton swab with normal saline or cooled boiled water was used to clean the pin site. Another cotton swab was then used to dry the pin site. Dressings were only applied if there was any exudate. Bathing with the leg submerged in water was discouraged. They found that 29% of the xators had noinfection (grade 0) according to the grading system of Saleh and Scott (Table 5). The remaining 71% of xators had an infection of one or more different grades. There were no grade 6 infections. They concluded that xators located on the femurhad the highest infection rate and that incidence of infection was 2.5 times greater for femoral xators in which corrections were performed (62.3%) than in those without corrections (24.5%). These observations, however, were based on half-pin care. We did not use half-pins or Schanz screws in any of our treatment groups.

Sims and Saleh在手术后48小时开始进行没人针孔护理,在他们的研究中,他们应用Orthox单臂外固定架(Orthox Srl, Bussolengo–Verona, Italy)(58.4%),环形外固定架(19.7%),Shefeld组合式外固定架(21.9%),按摩放松附着于钢针上的皮肤,蘸有生理盐水或凉开水的棉拭子用于清理针孔,另外一个棉拭子用于蘸干针孔,只有局部出现渗出是才应用敷料,阻止患者进行将带有外固定架的肢体浸入水中的洗浴方式,他们按照Saleh and Scott的标准发现29%的外固定架没有感染(0级),剩余71%外固定架有1个或者多个级别的感染,他们没有6级感染,他们得出结论:位于股骨的外固定架有最高的感染几率,而且实施矫形患者的感染发生率(62.3%)是不进行矫形患者感染发生率(24.5%)的2.5倍,但是,这些观察是基于半钉护理,在我们的任何一个治疗组中都没有应用半钉和Schanz螺钉。

Students from Shanxi Minxian Senior High School toured many scenery spots in New Zealand during the seven-week length study tour period. And also, they attended the English class which was designed according to their requirements and English level in Unique New Zealand,(the particular course in Unique New Zealand was required by our company). Moreover, accompanied by the tour guide and interprer from our company, they had visited Selwyn College and Taylors College, and talked to the International Director of these two colleges.

山西民贤中学学生在新西兰进行7周的游学期间游览了新西兰的各个著名景点,并在Unique New Zealand进行了学习,所学课程由我公司负责人要求学校,尔后学校根据学生的需要和自身的基础而设置的课程;并且,这些学生在我公司的带领下还对新西兰著名的塞尔文高级中学(Selwyn College和泰勒预科学院(Taylors College进行了参观并跟这两所学校的国际部负责人进行了谈话,通过这些,他们对新西兰的高等教育体制有了一些了解,如何进入新西兰的高中或预科学校读书,这些学校对国际留学生年龄的要求,英文能力的要求都已有所了解;并且知道了西方教育同中国教育的区别,他们打算回国后就开始进行日后到新西兰进行长期留学的准备。

In only 12 month, Tanan Shenran 150 thousand M3 per day LNG project has finished the work from the very beginning to the very end.


The principle of programming is focused on easy understanding and good use. The basic calculating data of Dahuofang water diversion project is put into the program which the water hammer calculation begins.Part four, uses the advanced Bentley Hammer water hammer calculation software calculates several identical engineering conditions of Dahuofang water diversion project, and then compares the results with the results of programming calculation, and proofreads the accuracy of programming calculation.

程序编好后输进大伙房输水工程的基本计算数据就可以开始进行水锤计算。4、同时使用目前世界上比较先进的&Bentley Hammer&水锤计算软件,计算大伙房输水工程的几个相同工况,所得结果与编写程序计算的结果进行对比,对编写的程序的正确性进行校核。5、在证实了编写程序的正确性,公道性后。

In 1999, we began to sort out the research results and carry out the second-round experiment. The original aim of this research project is to resolve the problems in actual situation and sets up a bridge between problems and experience, so that educational research can play a particular role in the teaching practice. It is a dynamic process of practice—problem settling---reparctice---problem resettling.


It is amusing to read the comments on various fronts around Europe and the USA, whether and what we define as design or innovation, and who is the proponent of either forefronts of design and thinking


My profession and hobby is also the breeding of animals. I have breed racing pigeons, horses and – of course – dogs.I have dogs since 1949, and I breed since 1953. Between 1953-1965 I have breed Hungarian Vizsla and English Cocker Spaniel, since 1968 Greyhound and Great Dane.


更多网络解释与开始进行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

field test:现场检测

该公司在其商用版及开放源代码版电子邮件服务器软件中安装上述技术,DomainKeys在1个半月前开始进行现场检测(Field Test),而Caller ID for E-mail则从1个月前开始进行现场检测.

get off the ground:进行顺利;刚开始

get off on the wrong foot 开始就乱了步骤 | get off the ground 进行顺利;刚开始 | get on the ball 机灵些;敏捷些

get off the ground:开始;起作用;进行顺利

get nowhere 毫无进展,毫无进步 | get off the ground 开始;起作用;进行顺利 | get off the phone 别占着电话

get under way:开始进行

get into hot water 陷入困境 | get under way 开始进行 | get. . . in tone 使和谐(协调)

get under way got under way start on:开始进行

开始发行 get off the ground | 开始进行 get under way got under way start on | 开始广播 go on the air sign on

set on foot:开始进行

With an open hand 慷慨大方 | Set on foot 开始进行 | Pull somebody's legs 开玩笑

got under way:开始进行

got under way 出发 | got under way 开始进行 | got up and go 魄力

to proceed from:从...开始进行,出于,来自,发生于

3. to leave off v.(使)停止 | 4. to proceed from 从...开始进行,出于,来自,发生于 | 5. in general 通常,大体上,一般而言

start a role play:开始进行角色表演

30) *每日英语 everyday English | 31) 我所有的科目 all my subjects/all of my subjects | 32) *开始进行角色表演 start a role-play

past perfect continuous tense:过去完成进行时

(强调直接结果) 过去完成进行时(past perfect continuous tense) 1)过去完成进行时的形式一律为had been + 现在分词,无人称和数的区别. 2)过去完成进行时的用法 过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始并延续到过去这个时间,这一动作可能还在进行,