英语人>词典>汉英 : 布娃娃 的英文翻译,例句
布娃娃 的英文翻译、例句


rag baby · cloth dolls
更多网络例句与布娃娃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He could feel powerful arms holding him, carrying his limp body like a rag doll, his black cassock flapping.


I love my cloth dolls, and she brought me a lot of fun.


They waste their time over a rag doll and if becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry...


They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry ...


"Only the children know what they are looking for" said the little prince "they waste their time over a rag doll and it become very important to them, and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry..."


A group of sapient rag dolls, living a post-apocalyptic existence find one of their own, 9, who displays leadership qualities that may help them to survive.


After the liberation,"Ni Wawa" has been eliminated, and "dolls" but more and more sophisticated, many girls, like daughter-in-law in "sewing doll" efforts in order to show off their ingenuity.


After a few years later, I had more than one doll, but more than the previous dolls cute and more beautiful.


If a girl, doll or no doll, swoons within a yard or two of a man's nose, he can see it without a perspective-glass.


The foreman whimpers, lies prostrate on the dirt floor in front of the slavemaster, begs forgiveness, and promises to remove the dirt from the sheep in the best possible way manageable, full well knowing that 5 minutes per sheep is ludicrous, at best.


更多网络解释与布娃娃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to nurse poorly at the breast:不良喂奶

补充母奶 supplementary feeding | 不良喂奶 to nurse poorly at the breast | 布娃娃 rag doll


bibi 布娃娃 | bonbon 糖果 | boubou 非洲人穿的长袍

So cute:如此可爱

图片介绍:可爱布娃娃如此可爱(so cute)图片尺寸:240*320 240x320图片分类:卡通动漫手机图片

baby diaper:小儿尿布

baby delaine 高级精梳毛 | baby diaper 小儿尿布 | baby doll 小布娃娃

Elijah Wood:伊利亚.伍德

Robert Oppenheimer)为原型的科学家发明了机械兽,但是也激活了以数字为名的布娃娃英雄的生命(其中包括布娃娃9,由伊利亚 伍德(Elijah Wood)配音). 即便在处理严肃问题时,大多数的灾难新片都在竭力避免道德说教,因为说教很可能成为票房毒药.


莎莉文小姐又把一个大布娃娃放在了我腿上,并写下"d-o-l-l",试图让我明白这两个娃娃都叫"d-o-l-l". 这天早上,我和莎莉文小姐因"杯子"(mug)和"水"(water)这两个单词起了争执,她竭尽全力地向我强调"杯子"(m-u-g)是杯子(mug),"

rag doll:布娃娃

游戏还采用了"布娃娃"(Rag Doll)物理系统,该效果会根据物理规则针对各种外来动作来即时计算物体的反应,像是敌人会根据不同方向射来的子弹而倒向不同的方位,当建筑物体被摧毁时,每一块碎片也会以抛物线式的方式坠落等等,

rag doll ph:布娃娃

out of control ph.失去控制 | rag doll ph.布娃娃 | upside down ph.倒過來

A little bisque doll and a little rag doll:一个洋娃娃 一个布娃娃

A little bisque doll and a little rag doll / 一个洋娃娃 一个布娃娃 | And a dolly imported from France / 还有一个法国进口的娃娃 | Were sitting one day on the shelf of the store / 坐在店里的架子上

Pediculophobia- Fear of lice:虱子恐惧症

Peccatophobia- Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes.犯罪恐惧症 | Pediculophobia- Fear of lice.虱子恐惧症 | Pediophobia- Fear of dolls.布娃娃恐惧症