英语人>词典>汉英 : 小港口 的英文翻译,例句
小港口 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小港口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jingang Lake beach near the Great Barrier reef and the small beach, only 6 kilometers from the port from the ship supporting Park 2 km.


So permeable breakwater is suitable to the ports in small wave area or lake's port presently.


But when she finds that it is a mysterious small port town in Egypt that gave her her name, her interest in hieroglyphics is born.


Having been embarked with his company in the exigencies of the campaign, on board a pinnace which was proceeding from Genoa to some obscure port on the coast, he fell into a wasps'-nest of seven or eight English vessels.

在那次战役里,由于 www.ddd§tt.com 军事需要 sSbBwW.cOm ,他领着他的步兵连从热那亚乘着一只帆船到不知道哪一个小港口去,中途遇见了七八艘英国帆船。

I was now at a great Loss which Way to get Home with my Boat, I had run so much Hazard, and knew too much the Case to think of attempting it by the Way I went out, and what might be at the other Side I knew not, nor had I any Mind to run any more Ventures; so I only resolved in the Morning to make my Way Westward along the Shore and to see if there was no Creek where I might lay up my Frigate in Safety, so as to have her again if I wanted her; in about three Mile or thereabout coasting the Shore, I came to a very good Inlet or Bay about a Mile over, which narrowed till it came to a very little Rivulet or Brook, where I found a very convenient Harbour for my Boat and where she lay as if she had been in a little Dock made on Purpose for her.


The model based on minimization cost is more accorded with the actual condition of berth allocation. The importances of ships in port are fully considered in this model. In general, the unit time cost of big ship is higher and that of small ship is lower, so the big ship should be berthed as soon as possible to minimize the sum of costs of the ships stayed in the ports.


Every harbour is small but combination in administrative divisions inner formation since the rim of Bohai Bay does not realize the long similar triangle , limpid-rization , leading to ring the Bohai Sea harbour resource duplication of similar projects and contending for source of goods , the nothing order racing to control hinderland competing neither samer than long triangle harbour group "an integral whole both wings " develops power state's is especially more fierce than growing a triangle.


Ten minutes afterwards, the sails were furled, and they cast anchor about a hundred fathoms from the little harbor


Ten minutes afterwards, the sails were furled, and they cast anchor about a hundred fathoms from the little harbor


Gonzalez said Codelco had enough stocks to be able to meet its export commitments, and a union leader said the key copper ports of Antofagasta and Mejillones were operating normally, although the smaller copper port of San Antonio was closed.


更多网络解释与小港口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

small handicraftsman:小手工业者

small hail 小雹 | small handicraftsman 小手工业者 | small harbor tug 小型港口拖船


*拥有大工厂(Factory)且有移民驻守的玩家在工匠出现时可以执行相关的特殊功能. *拥有小仓库、大仓库(Warehouse),港口(Harbor)或者码头(Wharf),并且有移民驻守的玩家在船长出现时可以执行相关的特殊功能.

haversine formula:半正矢公式

haven 小港口 | haversine formula 半正矢公式 | haversine 半正矢

Minni Land Bridge:小陆桥,自一港到另一港口

MB/L 主提单 Master Bill Of Loading | MLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口 Minni Land Bridge | Mother Vessel 主线船

Minnie Land Bridge:小陆桥,自一港到另一港口

MB/L 主提单 Master Bill Of Loading | MLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口 Minnie Land Bridge | Mother Vessel 主线船

REG box end Lifting Nubbin:变速箱端提升小片 变速内螺纹端提升小片

crossover 转换接头 转线轨道 | REG box end Lifting Nubbin 变速箱端提升小片 变速内螺纹端提升小片 | Port mid-ship crane 港口船中起重机 港舯起重机

Tyrrhenian Sea:第勒尼安海

午夜,在如墨的漆黑中,参加鹅卵石行动(Operation Shingle)的第六军的英国和美国部队从护航船队的船只上登上登陆艇,这支包括243艘舰船的护航船队是今晚到达这个第勒尼安海(Tyrrhenian Sea)小港口的附近海域.

Tiny silver key charm accent adorns front center:小银的关键魅力口音adorns前线中心

Pockets have fold-lock top to keep pads/Curves securely in place!口袋,有折叠式锁顶端保持港口及机场... | Tiny silver key charm accent adorns front center小银的关键魅力口音adorns前线中心 | Accessories: 附...

小银的关键魅力口音adorns前线中心:Tiny silver key charm accent adorns front center

Pockets have fold-lock top to keep pads/Curves securely in place!口袋,有折叠式锁顶端保持港口及机场... | Tiny silver key charm accent adorns front center小银的关键魅力口音adorns前线中心 | Accessories: 附...


港口位于彭巴(PEMBA)湾的东海湾的东海岸,南海角的内侧. 港口是一个天然良港,隐蔽而易进. 港湾宽8公里,长13公里,港口入口宽2.4米,最窄处为1.85公里. 入口有灯标指示. 船舶进港需备文件参见贝拉港. 港口服务设施有:修船、加燃料、小汽艇、医疗、淡水、给养遣返,