英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...感到遗憾 的英文翻译,例句
对...感到遗憾 的英文翻译、例句


be sorry for
更多网络例句与对...感到遗憾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I can only apologise for what happened, I am very sorry about it.


To do B. to be doing C.

对将要 做的事感到遗憾。

Campbell: I'm sorry about your friend, but I don't know anything that could help.


Mr. Campbell: I'm sorry about your friend, but I don't know anything that could help.


I'm sorry for his failure, still more for his ill-health.


To make his boss feel sorry about what happened.To have a good relationship with his boss.To apologize to his boss for what he (the letter-writer) has done.

让他老板对所发生的感到遗憾,和老板保持良好的关系,对自己所做的向老板道歉 5。

One Of Us They passed me by, all of those great romances You were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chances My picture clear, everything seemed so easy And so I dealt you the blow One of us had to go Now it's different, I want you to know One of us is crying One of us is lying In her lonely bed Staring at the ceiling Wishing she was somewhere else instead One of us is lonely One of us is only Waiting for a call Sorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling small Wishing she had never left at all I saw myself as a concealed attraction I felt you kept me away from the heat and the action Just like a child, stubborn and misconceiving That's how I started the show One of us had to go Now I've changed and I want you to know One of us is crying One of us is lying In her lonely bed Staring at the ceiling Wishing she was somewhere else instead One of us is lonely One of us is only Waiting for a call Sorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling small Wishing she had never left at all Never left at all Staring at the ceiling Wishing she was somewhere else instead One of us is lonely One of us is only Waiting for a call


Wilde said he felt sorry for those who never got their heart s desire , but sorrier still for those who did .


Wilde said he felt sorry for those who never got their heart s desire , but sorrier still for those who did .


I don't want to keep answering these questions about Nibiru, but let me say once more as clearly as I can, for you and the other questioners: Nibiru does not exist.

我对NIBIRU对您造成的困扰感到遗憾,我不想一直回答关于NIBIRU 的这些问题,但我尽可能详细地为您和其他疑问者再说一次:NIBIRU并不存在。

更多网络解释与对...感到遗憾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我对他对移民的缺乏了解感到遗憾,其实不论拉美、澳洲还是在海南,移民崇拜的多数是他们的首领(chief)而不是他们的祖先(ancestry). 这是因为移民是一个五湖四海集聚的群体,如果还在谈什么血缘、帮派那他们就没有凝聚力了,


此招推荐:LEVEL18吸引术(ATTRACT):我认为这是男巫诅咒第一没用的一招. 他一次只能使一个单位成为众矢之的,又对BOSS无效,要来何用!此招推荐:LEVEL09迟钝术(DECREPIFY):说起这招,可让每个男巫感到遗憾. 它的效果是惊人的:可使敌人所受伤害加倍,

Buckingham Palace:白金汉宫

"白金汉宫"(Buckingham Palace)是英国女王的居所,来伦敦却没有看白金汉宫,就好像去北京没有看故宫一样,夸张一点的说,有如入宝山却空手而回的遗憾. 即使不了解英国的民主发展历程,一般游客仍然对国会大厦的"大笨钟"(Big Ben)感到兴趣,

I feel shame at having told a lie:我为自己撒了谎而感到羞愧

feel shame at 对...感到羞愧 | I feel shame at having told a lie. 我为自己撒了谎而感到羞愧. | What a shame! 多遗憾!

Saddam Hussein:萨达姆.侯赛因

我坚信推翻萨达姆 侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)是正确的,但我们应该早点制定正确的伊拉克战略. 我还对未能推动移民改革感到遗憾. 随着社交媒体逐渐增多,用户们正抛弃雅虎和美国在线(AOL)等传统门户网站--它们曾经是步入网络世界的大门--而转投社交网站,

mourn: v.1:哀悼;2.(对...)感到痛心(或遗憾)

monetary a. 钱的,货币的,金融的 | mourn v. 1. 哀悼;2.(对...)感到痛心(或遗憾) | municipal a. 市的,市政的


鲍威尔在电视节目中说,对中国飞行员失踪,"我们已经表达遗憾(regret),我们已经表达我们的哀伤(sorrow). 我们对此感到抱歉(sorry). 他还说,美机为了紧急迫降,确实侵入了中国领空. 但他强调,当时情况紧急,出于不得已. 在此之前,

relay race:接力赛跑

I regret saying that. 我对说过的话感到的遗憾. | relay race 接力赛跑 | Who will be in a relay race? 谁参加接力赛?

sick at:[口]对...感到不愉快, 遗憾

sick as a cat [dog] 病得厉害 感到极端厌恶 | sick at [口]对...感到不愉快, 遗憾 | sick onto death 病得要死 极度厌倦