英语人>词典>汉英 : 媒人 的英文翻译,例句
媒人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
matchmaker  ·  shotgun  ·  shotguned  ·  shotguning  ·  gobetween

marriage broker
更多网络例句与媒人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This kind of net loves is equal to free to choose amate, certainly it surpasses the matchmaker to introduce, compared tothe matchmaker introduced two people are acquainted with one anothertime, has been short awkward and is strange.


She is British vogue magazine assistant editor, her usual hobby to his friend joyfully when the matchmaker.


Helping these couples build a life together is Consultant Chen, matchmaker extraordinaire and exceptional crusader of the human heart.


Generally speaking, the side effects of psoriasis medicine psoriasis than synthetic western medicines should be smaller, but also some larger drug toxicity, such as red arsenic stone, stone white arsenic, mercury, cantharidin, green mother insects, matchmaker insects, such as Health gamboge .


The girl found the go-between and said , you cheated me ! One of his eyes is not true .


He is our go-between.


One day,a girl found the go-between and said,You cheated me!

" 姑娘找到媒人,说:"你欺骗了我。

"Let me find out who she is and send a go-between to pay court to her."


Only One Eye to Settle On The girl found the go-between and said, You cheated me !


She therefore went to a go-between and told him to find for her an honest man who wanted a wife, and who would at once advance a betrothal present sufficient to meet the funeral expenses of her mother-in-law, and who would wait a hundred days for the completion of the obsequies, before taking home his bride.


更多网络解释与媒人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1. Hold the bag: v. 两手空空 , 独自承担非属自己的全部责任 | 2. Bagman: 推销员,(贿赂事件中的)中间人 | 3. Go-between : n. 中间人 , 媒人 , 掮客;[电]连接杆 [ 环 ], 中间网络

Caw, caw:傻~瓜,傻~瓜(扮乌鸦叫)

I'm a sucker for matchmaking.|我最爱当媒人了~ ( - - 不做中不做保不做媒婆三代好) | Caw, caw.|傻~瓜,傻~瓜(扮乌鸦叫) | I wanted to let you know.|我想告诉你


Blind date 初次约会(经媒婆介绍后) | Matchmaker, Go-between 媒人 | Bunch 花束

marriage go-between:媒人

Matchmaker月下老人 | Marriage go-between 媒人 | Matrimonial agency 婚姻介绍所

gobbler:公火鸡, 名词

gobbledygook 官样文章, 名词 | gobbler 公火鸡, 名词 | gobetween 媒人, 名词


matchless 无敌的 | matchlock 火绳 | matchmaker 媒人


当然啦,遇见自己伴侣的方式有很多种,可以通过工作、聚会、朋友介绍、媒人(matchmaker)、网络约会(internet dating)等各种各样. 当然啦,遇见自己伴侣的方式有很多种,可以通过工作、聚会、朋友介绍、媒人(matchmaker)、网络约会(internet dating)等各种各样.


找换钱ChangingMoney | 媒人公MatchMaker | 卖枚马SellingMei-ma

n. go between, matchmaker:媒人

with deep affection 情绵意笃 | 媒人 n. go between, matchmaker | propitious adj. 顺利的, 吉祥的, 适合的

gobetween:媒人, 名词

gobbler 公火鸡, 名词 | gobetween 媒人, 名词 | goblet 高脚杯, 名词