英语人>词典>汉英 : 天马行空 的英文翻译,例句
天马行空 的英文翻译、例句


an unrestrained and vigorous style that brims with talent · Stranger Than Fiction
更多网络例句与天马行空相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stepping on the gentle music,first of all,we'd like to present you the Evening Dress series,evening dresses can always bring us infinite imaginations,they're so charming and graceful under the moonlight,drawing quietly the spirits of the moonlight, carrying with the graces accumulated during the day,the evening dresses,with the most mysterious style,will allow the female to display a sort of unique charming power,and a sort of special affectionateness.


Across all our business units, we constantly consider ways to develop powerful new services, both through combined interaction through blue-sky thinking to produce inspired marketing solutions, constructive client-service deliverables elegant systems.


To get conservatives on board, the rule would have to be extended to state legislation as well.


The dark night, your really have their own room, silently pondering, and brazenly be free.


The Family of the Red Broomcorn is an important work which help him to obtain the success and establish his writing style.


The Chinese style is more circusy; it features wire work which moves the fighters through improbable but flashy acrobatics, a lot more expressive sound whiizzzzzzzzz!


Perhaps not since Matthew Barney's Cremaster Cycle have there been such wildly imaginative proposals for interventions in the vast empty space.


It includes the following pictures——the huge dragon puffing away, a fierce tiger dashing down a mountain, a jade hare holding up its head, Chang'E fluttering in the moon, the bull-Devil leaving its cave-dwelling, the Monkey King leaving its mountain, man and ape playing with dog, carp jumping in a pool, cat going angling, large mouse patrolling a mountain, a heavenly horse soaring across the sky and so on.


Show your child the wonderful imaginative worlds there are out there. And show them how to find out about stuff in the world through the Internet, and how to evaluate what they read for credibility, logic, factualness.


Show your child the wonderful imaginativeworlds there are out there. And show them how to find out about stuffin the world through the Internet, and how to evaluate what they readfor credibility, logic, factualness.


更多网络解释与天马行空相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A life free of rein:天马行空的生涯

你对自由的向往 your longing for freedom. | 天马行空的生涯 A life free of rein | 你的心了无牵挂 leaves your heart your own.

John Galliano:约翰.加里亚诺

2003年巴黎春夏时装周上,DIOR的掌门人约翰 加里亚诺(John Galliano)将从印度,日本,中国等地提取出的东方元素配以制服天马行空般的突现在了T型台上,同时,GIVENCHY的前任首席亚历山大.麦克奎因( Alexander McQueen),CHANEL,


与原本"汉普顿"(Hampton)截然不同却又彻底和谐的,是天马行空的表面. 它们有银色或哈瓦那(香港人叫夏湾拿)雪茄色,上面有粗线条放射纹,配磨光的不锈钢链带或红啡色短嘴鳄鱼皮表带. 它的自动版本,大三针,6时位置有日历窗,




常常被传统批评家视为形构上的缺陷,而吕诗正是要利用这个"缺陷"来旁徵博引,再加上天马行空的想像及游戏嘲讽的语调,来大力拥抱这个多元多变多音的风格,基本上是运用巴赫汀(Mikhail Bakhtin)的"多音"(polyphony)观念,让文字的内在声音,

Ridiculous Thoughts:天马行空

5.不能在一起I Can't Be With You | 6.天马行空Ridiculous Thoughts | 7.救赎Salvation


新浪娱乐讯 在今年五月,(Brothers & Sisters)里频频出现私生子女传闻的沃克家族曝出的一个货真价实的"私生沃克"--赖安(Ryan). 当时在一边感叹编剧天马行空的编写能力的同时,另一个问题也迎面而来:到底谁来扮演这位吸引眼球的魅力角色呢?

Too absurd to take seriously:不过有点太天马行空了

Silvertongues is a wonderful concept. Wish I thought of it.|"金口... | Too absurd to take seriously.|不过有点太天马行空了 | I know my characters are so believable that they seem to leap off the page.|我...

without restraint in life:天马行空的生涯

你对自由的向往 your longing for freedom | 天马行空的生涯 without restraint in life | 你的心了无牵挂 without worries in mind

To wing it:天马行空

To claw one's way to the top 踩在别人头顶往上爬 | To wing it 天马行空 | A scapegoat 代罪羔羊