英语人>词典>汉英 : 天命 的英文翻译,例句
天命 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fatality  ·  kismet  ·  providence  ·  vocation  ·  fatalities  ·  Providence

God's will · the mandate of heaven
更多网络例句与天命相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am the one horseman of the Apocalypse.


My fate is certain, but the fate of Argos is still in your hands.


My fate is certain, but the fate of Argos is still in yourhands.


It was moral integrity and benevolent leadership that determined the holder of the Mandate of Heaven.


I mean, never, to be a bigamist; but fate has out-maneuvered me ; or providence has checked me,---perhaps the last.


As a conservative president, Mr Lee has tried to ignore North Korea, so it was perhaps his ironic destiny to be propelled on to the world stage by brinkmanship from Pyongyang.


How strange a Chequer Work of Providence is the Life of Man!


The thought of yin-vang and mixing (five elements that make up the world) was consciously sorted out: the regularity and compulsiveness of ceremony stressed: patriarchal clan system and militarism combined: and thus "morality" constituted reflecting plural cultural factors.


This is based on the concept of Mandate of Heaven.


Yet her race was a race with the vagaries and implacability of fate .


更多网络解释与天命相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Body snatcher:窃体者(天命之战)

1 Body Double 替身妖 | 1 Body Snatcher 窃体者(天命之战) | 1 Carrion Feeder 腐食怪

Covetous Dragon:贪婪巨龙 天命之战

06:Cloud Dragon 云龙 博图 | 07:Covetous Dragon 贪婪巨龙 天命之战 | 08:Dragon Mage 巨龙法师 劫运降临


"天命(Destiny)就是你一直希望去做的事情",顽强的少年听得到自己心声,那是出自一种Believe. "当你真心渴望某样东西时,整个宇宙都会联合起来帮助你完成!". 忠于自己的内心,才能发现生活的微妙,"原来世上没有偶遇,一个人到达的地方,

do one's level best and leave the rest to God's will:盡人事,聽天命

盡心 jihn-shin↓; | 盡人事,聽天命 do one's level best and leave the rest to God's will; | 各盡其分 each one doing his part;

Free Will and Destiny:十. 自由意志与天命

九. 灵魂成长的考验 Tests for Soul Growth | 十. 自由意志与天命 Free Will and Destiny | 十一. 探索你的天命 Seeking Your Destiny

Free Will and Destiny:十. 与天命

九. 灵魂成长的考验Tests for Soul Growth | 十. 与天命Free Will and Destiny | 十一. 探索你的天命Seeking Your Destiny

Free Will and Destiny:自由意志与天命

灵魂成长的考验 / Tests for Soul Growth | 自由意志与天命 / Free Will and Destiny | 探索你的天命 / Seeking Your Destiny

Free Will and Destiny:十、自由意志与天命

九、灵魂成长的考验 Tests for Soul Growth | 十、自由意志与天命 Free Will and Destiny | 十一、探索你的天命 Seeking Your Destiny

Resigned Generalissimo:听天命的大元帅

Autocratic Charmer 独裁魔术师 | Resigned Generalissimo 听天命的大元帅 | Weary Stiff Neck 疲倦的造作者

Academy Rector:(天命之战)

4 Skirge Familiar(斯克魔佣兽) | 4 academy rector(天命之战) | 4 soul feast(天命之战)