英语人>词典>汉英 : 坚持到最后的 的英文翻译,例句
坚持到最后的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与坚持到最后的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think that the duel will be very uncertain until the end.


The matter is in the factitiousness heavy be awaring of self.


I am coming to you, homely place of rest.


The can last-ditch person that do poineering work, often be the person that succeed.


But think what pass a week seriously, I decide to continue to be done finally, what believe because of me only last-ditch talent is to laugh is the happiest.


They were loyal. It was a point of honor with them to stay until the last dog was hung.


All is well, a propertied Taliban spokesman has told the Reuters news agency the insurgent group will quote "Resist till the last gasp".


I feel very great, you can stick to the end, students are much better than the cosseted.


True victory lies in who perseveres to the end.


Early spring in February, is its first bloom green, the autumn wind blows in, is it green and stick to the end.


更多网络解释与坚持到最后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Camille Claudel:罗丹的情人

都带着某种东方韵味. 不同的是,苏菲.玛索的气质更洒脱奔放,而阿佳妮的美是内敛的,幽闭的,有一种近似神经质的坚持. 从>(Reine Margot,La)到>(Camille Claudel),她的表演最后塑造的都是她自己.

last-ditch:最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的

Merilising (钢的)磷化处理法, 磷酸盐表面处理法 | last-ditch 最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的 | traitorous 叛变的, 不忠的

last-ditch effort:最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的

reprieve暂减, 缓期执行 | last-ditch effort 最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的 | serviette餐桌上用的拭巾

Make It To The End:坚持到最后

08-Christmas In Jamaica 牙买加的圣诞 | 09-Make It To The End 坚持到最后 | 10-Breathe Again 再次呼吸

O onward:向前:终点就在前方

N nuknown 默默无闻:与弟弟小豪相比,小烈就不太爱出风头. | O onward 向前:终点就在前方! | P persuasion 信念:和小豪一样,"一定要坚持到最后一秒钟"这就是小烈的信念.

P persuasion:信念:和小豪一样,"一定要坚持到最后一秒钟"这就是小烈的信念

O onward 向前:终点就在前方! | P persuasion 信念:和小豪一样,"一定要坚持到最后一秒钟"这就是小烈的信念. | Q quick 快的:快,每一个赛车手追求的东西,小烈也不例外.

traitorous:叛变的, 不忠的

last-ditch 最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的 | traitorous 叛变的, 不忠的 | bring into line 使排齐, 使一致

But you started auditioning:你又开始了新的试镜

We weren't even at the end / 我们没有坚持到最后 | But you started auditioning / 你又开始了新的试镜 | And let somebody star in my show / 让别人代替我,成为演出的明星

When my landscape changes, rearranges:风雨过后

I'll be the one who stands here longer than the rest,我将是坚持到最后的一个 | When my landscape changes, rearranges, 风雨过后 | I'll be stronger than I've ever been 我将比从前更加坚强

