英语人>词典>汉英 : 告一段落 的英文翻译,例句
告一段落 的英文翻译、例句


draw a conclusion
更多网络例句与告一段落相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Undertake in concentration " 3 tell " after education comes to an end, should consolidate " 3 tell " educational achievement, learn theory to be begun abidingly deep, must produce the effect that theory of group of center of Party Committee of all levels studies adequately.


Bacchic superabundant in May " Microsoft, Yahoo buys battle ", announce to abandon with Microsoft eventually and of short duration comes to an end.


Will his carnality in public restrooms put an end to his career in public life ?


When all is said and done, and your life has come to a close, where will you spend the rest of your eternity ?


It was a good life, but all good things come to an end.


But all things come to an end.


Mary Alice: And so ended the great crime wave on Wisteria Lane. No one ever found out who was responsible.


If Google's original aim was to force an admission of culpability, shake hands and move on, it has failed.


That's coming to a halt and when that happens loan demand will come back and the pressures on short-term interest rate will begin to grow,


The inquest will be adjourned and we'll let it get about that we think it was a local affair.


更多网络解释与告一段落相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chrome tanning agent:铬鞣剂

当然鞣剂有许多的种类,但当前还是以铬鞣剂(Chrome Tanning Agent)为最好也较经济. 虽然铬鞣剂有其污染环境的缺点,但由于制革技术的提升,以及铬鞣剂制造商的研发,已使铬鞣过程的污染降到最低经过挤水过程,并切成所需厚度之后鞣制过程到此为止算是告一段落制造过程进行至此,

civil servant:公仆

我一直以为这段情节纯属英式幽默,心想在昔日的大英帝国做一位"公仆"(civil servant)怎么可能过得如此凄凉,连厨子也不给首相配额一个. 直到前段时间甚嚣尘上的英国议会"报销门"事件告一段落,我才恍然大悟,原来电视里面播出的并非什么幽默,

Has come to an end:漫漫的人生旅程已告一段落

The road we have travelled 天下没有不散的宴席 | Has come to an end 漫漫的人生旅程已告一段落 | When two love the same love当两人同时爱上一个女人


Koprowski)授权王文洋律师可要求第三者,若有必要还可发出传票强迫(compel)相关各方提供必要的财务资料. 另外,法官也授权王文洋律师在资料收集告一段落后,还可宣誓证明(depose)相关证人就所看、所知、所做提出说明.

culminating an effort:最后的努力

coming to a conclusion 告一段落 | culminating an effort最后的努力 | having all elements come together集合所有要素

draw a conclusion:得出结论,告一段落

As soon as possible 尽快的 | Draw a conclusion 得出结论,告一段落 | Give consideration to 对...加以思考




在上周经历了翻车、被送到医院、丢失尸体、和昆(Quinn)发生摩擦、然后又找到尸体之后,戴克斯特(Dexter)可能认为他的倒霉事情已经告一段落了,但我们都知道这是 ...近年来,艾美奖评委们的口味与观众在奖项提名上显然一直存在分歧,

Now Wimbledon's over The test match is done:温布顿的球赛也告一段落

The weekends in London have lost all their fun. 在伦敦的周末已兴... | Now Wimbledon's over The test match is done. 温布顿的球赛也告一段落 | Now Henley has finished and Ascot has run, Henley已结束,那Asc...

Nagai tabi ga owari wo tsugeru made:漫长的旅程将告一段落

Tooi mirai Terasu akari ni naru yo 未来被等照亮 | Nagai tabi ga owari wo tsugeru made 漫长的旅程将告一段落 | Kimi to eien wo ikiyou 和你永远在一起!!!!