英语人>词典>汉英 : 口感 的英文翻译,例句
口感 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

mouth feel
更多网络例句与口感相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Palate: The palate is tight and elegant with strong varietal notes of cassis, olive and blackberry fruit.


Those epicure people such saying, bovine muscle mouthfeel tastes picture holothurian, what point to of course is its mouthfeel.

梗概: 那些老饕们这样说,牛筋口感吃起来像海参,当然指的是它的口感

Sapid, full and balanced with a graciousness contained and accompanied by an intense and elegant fruitiness

口感: 柔和的质感以及平衡的口感,酸度适中,果味柔和,具有干净的收尾

Palate: Well-balanced, full-flavored and fresh, with a rich, elegant and silky long finish.


Has tart apples forward on the palate developing some hints of honeydew melon, with a bit of minerality hidden in the mix.


Or licks on tongue like lithe flexible cheese, savored like elegant lambent vanilla.Howsoever, altogether it can be fancyed that the incomplete-form mansion-princess puss wee berry


Normal temperature lixiviation had long production period but the produced wine had clean color and enjoyable taste.


Maltodextrin added in the ingredients may improve the meltability resistance of ice-cream, and the flavor and taste of ice-cream made with coconut oil is similar to that with butter oil.


Palate: Nice on the palate, great freshness and vividness with mirabelle and lemon flavours.


FLAVOR口感 Soft and lush on the palate with sweet jam notes.


更多网络解释与口感相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在这个范围下红酒复杂的香气(fragrance)才能充份表现,也能降低涩味及苦味得口感. 至于淡口感的红酒如Beaujolais或Rosé,适饮温度约在摄氏12-16度之间. 另外,陈年葡萄酒或FortifiedWine如雪利酒(Sherry)或波特酒(Port)则需要较低的温度.

Chateau Mayne Blanc:白梅堡

Chateau Tour De Guiet 吉尔塔 获奖无数的酒,闻起来带有少许,有青辣椒味道,口感丰纯,获奖无数... | Chateau Mayne Blanc 白梅堡 | Chateau Maison Neuve Prestige 特级新宫堡 香草和橡木味道,一级比儿谷,口感饱和,张力...


M Masculline:浓郁有特色,具有男性的粗犷. | Meaty:口感香醇,绵密. | Mellow:柔软如丝绒,带有甜味.

notch sensibility:凹口感度

凹口半径 radius of notch | 凹口感度 notch sensibility | 凹口试片 notch bar


平滑的(Smooth)口感不会尖锐或苦涩,而是可口的,有时还带有葡萄酒的香味. 柔润的,非常柔和的(Soft,strictly soft)咖啡的酸度很低,醇香甜美,口感舒服(可能和意大利的葡萄酒的口感很相似);比如一些巴西的桑托斯咖啡.

Tasty Food:口感好的食物

63. a sound made to show you are thinking发出的声音表明你在思考 | 64. tasty food口感好的食物 | 65. a strict vegetarian一个严格的素食主义者

tooth brush:牙刷儿 (粗口感叹词,表示十分惊讶)

9. Hammer!:锤子!(粗口感叹词,表示强烈的不满) | 10. Tooth brush: 牙刷儿 (粗口感叹词,表示十分惊讶) | 11. Roll yourself: 个人滚!(粗口,译为"给我滚")

tooth brush:牙刷 (粗口感叹词,表示十分惊讶)

6. Hammer!:锤子!(粗口感叹词,表示强烈的不满) | 7. Tooth brush: 牙刷 (粗口感叹词,表示十分惊讶) | 8. Roll yourself: 个人滚!(粗口,译为"给我滚")


lean 无油脂感的 | light-bodied 口感单薄 | low-key 低调性风味

Chateau Les Grandes Mottes:格兰魔德堡 丰富的水果香气,口感有张力,酸度适中

Chateau Saint Sauveur 仙莎威尔堡 强烈的香草和橡木的味道,口感饱和度很好,顺滑流畅. | Chateau Les Grandes Mottes格兰魔德堡 丰富的水果香气,口感有张力,酸度适中. | Chateau Maison Noble Rose贵族宫玫瑰红