英语人>词典>汉英 : 升主动脉 的英文翻译,例句
升主动脉 的英文翻译、例句


ascending aorta · aorta ascendens
更多网络例句与升主动脉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Arterial bypass with prosthesis - graft was carried out in 15 cases: ascending aorta- bilateral axillar arteries and unilateral ICA bypass in 6 cases, ascending aorta - bilateral axillar arteries bypass in 3 cases, ascending aorta - unilateral axillar arteries and unilateral ICA bypass in 5 cases, and in one case of complicated TA combined with abdominal aorta, ascending aorta- bilateral axillar arteries and unilateral ICA bypass were performed, followed by unilateral axilla - femeral bypass.


The preoperation diameter of ascending aorta was taken as baseline. Patients were divided according to its baseline aortic diameter into diameter0 mm group and diameter≥40 mm group, furthermore, the patients were also divided according to echocardiographic findings into bicuspid aortic valve group and tricuspid aortic valve group.


Considering the underlying wall deficiency and the homodynamic stress, the Robiesek operation should be an optimal choice to those patients with a mild to moderate dilated ascending aorta caused by aortic valve lesion.


Ascending aortic diameters were compared between diameter0 mm group and diameter≥40 mm group, BAV group and TAV group, respectively, to clarify ascending aortic diameter change tendency following AVR alone.


The aortic diameter change rates were (-0.2±1.4) mm/year and (-0.18±0.98) mm/year in aortic diameter0 mm group and≥40 mm group, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups. The ascending aortic diameter change rates were (0.8±1.6) mm/year in BAV group, and (-0.3±1.5) mm/year in TAV group. The ascending aortic diameter of patients in BAV group enlarged continuously following AVR.


To study the changes in diameter of dilated ascending aorta following aortic valve replacement.


OBJECTIVE: To compare the rheological properties of stress relaxation in normal and atherosclerotic animal model of ascending aorta, and to identify the effects of atherosclerosis on the stress relaxation properties of ascending aorta.


To compare ascending aorta creep characteristics of the normal and atherosclerotic animal model to identify the effect of atherosclerosis on ascending aorta creep characteristics.


Methods: From December 2002 to June 2006, 30 patients with a moderately dilated ascending aorta [mean diameter,(46.7±3.1)mm] underwent concomitant aortic valve replacement or repairing and reinforced aortoplasty with a well-tailored Dacron vascular graft. Follow-up was obtained on all patients with ultrasonic cardiography or computed tomography scan and was (18.0±10.5) months.


At the time of aorta opening in routine cardiac surgeries with ECC,the oxygen flux was changed respectively. Two millilitres blood was taken at the time of pre-operation(T0),30 min after aorta opening(T1),6 h (T2),24 h (T3) and 48 h after operation (T4) to measure the levels of serum cTnI were measured through ELISA method.

常规体外循环下进行手术,升主动脉开放时改变各组复灌氧流量,分别于术前(T0)、开放升主动脉后30 min(T1)、术后6 h(T2)、24 h(T3)、48 h(T4)各时间点抽取患者锁骨下静脉血2 ml,采用ELISA酶联免疫法测定血浆cTnI含量。

更多网络解释与升主动脉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aortic aneurysm:主动脉瘤

主动脉瘤(aortic aneurysm)指主动脉壁局部或弥漫性的异常扩张压迫周围器官而引起症状,瘤状破裂为其主要危险. 常发生在升主动脉主动脉弓、胸部降主动脉、胸腹主动脉和腹主动脉



aorta clamp:主动脉夹

aorta ascendent intubate clamp 升主动脉插管钳 | aorta clamp 主动脉夹 | aortic aneurysm clamp 主动脉瘤夹

ascending aorta:升主动脉

称动脉韧带(arterial ligament).在尸体及心的模型上观察主动脉(aorta)由左心室发出,先斜向右上,再弯向左后,沿脊柱左前方下行,穿膈的主动脉裂孔入腹腔,至第4腰椎下缘处分为左,右髂总动脉.依其行程分为升主动脉(ascending aorta),主动脉弓(aorta arch),

aorta ascendent intubate clamp:升主动脉插管钳

aorta 主动脉 | aorta ascendent intubate clamp 升主动脉插管钳 | aorta clamp 主动脉夹

conus arteriosus:动脉圆锥;漏斗

动脉 - Arteriae | 动脉圆锥;漏斗 - Conus arteriosus | 升主动脉 - Pars ascendens aortae; Aorta ascendens


在导丝从股动脉进入并由真腔顺利进入升主动脉后,造影确定内膜撕裂口特别是第1裂口 的位置,取左前斜30~45度位置,尽量将主动脉弓展开以充分暴露左锁骨下动脉(LSA),左颈总动脉(LCCA)和无名动脉(INA),并作好定位,将收缩压控制性降至80~90mmHg之间,

artificial respirator:人工呼吸器

artificial respiration 人工呼吸 | artificial respirator 人工呼吸器 | ascending aorta 升主动脉

vasa vasorum:血管滋养管

亦有可能一 延伸到心脏,形成主动脉瓣闭锁全(aortic regurgitation)导致急性心脏入口(inlet)约有三分之二是在升主动脉,距主动脉瓣五公分内的地点,然而仍有少主动脉中层内的血管滋养管(vasa vasorum)破 后,再往血管内腔延伸破 ,

Brisbane method of aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement:布里斯班主动脉瓣与升主动脉置换术

布朗-哈里森热交换器-Brown-Harrison heat exchanger | 布里斯班主动脉瓣与升主动脉置换术-Brisbane method of aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement | 布罗姆修复术-Brom repair