英语人>词典>汉英 : 共融的 的英文翻译,例句
共融的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与共融的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the participatory process, consensus building for a design solution was achieved.


On this last truth are based especially the permissibility and intrinsic propriety of Communion only under one kind for the laity and for priests not celebrating Mass.


The idea of communion as participation in Trinitarian life is illuminated with special intensity in John's Gospel.


The parts in communion are hidden in the umbra of her generous behind.


With the development of biotechnique, medical and computer technique, and the changes of life, value, aesthetic, social and marriage concept, the phenomenon of "third gender" will express itself in coexistence of diverse constituents: namely, the coexistence of mainstream and branches, unitarity and multiplicity, tradition and modern, virtuality and reality, biological and psychological behaviors, etc.


Therefore it is licit to concelebrate with Bishops and with priests who are in communion with the Pope, even if they are recognized by the civil authorities and maintain a relationship with entities desired by the State and extraneous to the structure of the Church, provided as was said earlier cf.


In this way, inward cleansing is accompanied by a gesture of ecclesial communion, mirroring what already took place in the early Church.


We firmly decree that because some of the laity force ecclesiastics and even bishops to come before their courts, those who presume to do so in the future are to be separated from the communion of the faithful.


January 2003: This cover of GQ magazine featured a digitally slimmed actress Kate Winslet.

2003年1月:这封面的 GQ杂志功能一个数码共融的瘦身女主角凯特温斯莱特。

We therefore declare that notorious usurers should not be admitted to communion of the altar or receive christian burial if they die in this sin.


更多网络解释与共融的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


新浪娱乐讯 欧倩怡(Cindy)与新城娱乐台DJ叶文辉(啤梨)在活动中担任"共融大队长",亲临现场宣扬亲切共融讯息. 早前Cindy更联同和黄义工,前往一所学校,为练习花式跳绳的"共融大使"打气,虽然学生们分别患有听障、自闭症及轻度智障,


eusitia 食欲正常 | eusol 漂白粉液 | eutectic 共晶的;低共熔点物;易熔的;易融的

music as sacred power-a communion between humans and the Divine:音乐作为神圣的权力-之间的共融人类和神

the profound difference made in lives through relatio... | music as sacred power-a communion between humans and the Divine音乐作为神圣的权力-之间的共融人类和神 | chanting as an intimate expression of t...


anauxite 富硅高岭石 | anchieutectic 近底共融的 | anchimetamorphism 近变质酌

antimony crocus:锑藏红(三氧化二锑和三硫化二锑的共融体)

antimony cinnabar || 锑朱砂 硫氧化锑 | antimony crocus || 锑藏红(三氧化二锑和三硫化二锑的共融体) | antimony flowers || 锑花

Waterford Marquis standing cross for baptisms, first communion, etc:沃特福德侯爵站在十字架圣洗圣事,首先共融等

Features: 特点: | Waterford Marquis standing cross for baptisms, first communion, etc.沃特福德侯爵站在十字架圣洗圣事,首先共融等. | Crafted in Germany of fine crystal制作在德国的细晶

the holy catholic church,the communion of saints:神聖的天主教教會,共融的聖人

I believe in the Holy Ghost,我相信聖靈, | the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,神聖的天主教教會,共融的聖人, | the remission of sins,緩解的罪孽,

the holy catholic church,the communion of saints:罗马教廷的天主教教会共融的圣人

I believe in the Holy Ghost,我相信,在圣灵, | the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,罗马教廷的天主教教会共融的圣人, | the remission of sins,缓解捷联惯导系统,

Chapter 26 - Of the Communion of Saints:第26章 -的共融的聖人

Chapter 25 - Of the Church 第25章 -教會 | Chapter 26 - Of the Communion of Saints 第26章 -的共融的聖人 | Chapter 27 - Of the Sacraments (Ordinances) 第27章 -聖禮(條例)

Chapter 27 - Of the Communion of Saints:第27章 -的共融的聖人

Chapter 26 - Of the Church 第26章 -教會 | Chapter 27 - Of the Communion of Saints 第27章 -的共融的聖人 | Chapter 28 - Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper 第28章 -的洗禮和主的晚餐