英语人>词典>汉英 : 修正液 的英文翻译,例句
修正液 的英文翻译、例句


correction fluid
更多网络例句与修正液相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, three special measures are introduced to guarantee the precision of solution, which are the pressure correction formulation to meet the impressible condition, the velocity correction formulation to avoid the error accumulation and a stability term addition to eliminate the velocity oscillation.


Enterprises to adopt scientific management approach to the market demand-oriented, professional production and sale of "five thousand" series of Product: Gel Ink Pen, ball-point pen, oil pen, whiteboard pen, marker, Units pen, water-based pen, highlighter pen, pencil to amend the zone, correction fluid, and all kinds of cartridges, etc..


GEL INK PEN; ball-point pen; whiteboard pens; marker; water-based pen; Desk pen; fluorescent pen


The carbons in explosives are decomposed into gas-like carbon atoms in the detonation reaction zone, then unoxidized carbon atoms coagulate into carbon liquid droplets and finally consolidate into solid diamonds The new mechanism differs from one conclusion that carbons of explosives are at first transformed into solid graphites, then into diamonds, and also differs from the conclusion that gaseous carbons coagulate into liquid droplets in the reaction zone, then crystalize into diamonds in Taylor rarefaction wave zone.


He was caught on camera between interrogations taking sips of the liquid.


Ningbo Zhenhai Chengye Stationery Mfg. Co., Ltd. is located in Ningbo, near the famous deep water port in China—Beilun port, through many years development, it has been the special enterprise producing kinds of gel ink pens, ball pens, roller pens and correction series for office and study using. The products have been sold over 60 countries and regions.


A lot of experiments were finished to gain musks two components phase equilibrium data of many solvents,and these data were used to fit UNIFAC model's interaction parameter to endow UNIFAC model modified with better prediction function.

通过试验测定了合成硝基麝香二元体系的固液平衡数据,回归并修正了 UNIFAC 模型的相互作用参数,使 UNIFAC 模型具有更高的预测功能;为了评价修正后的 UNIFAC 模型对合成硝基麝香三元体系的预测功能,利用试验测定的溶解度数据和修正后的 UNIFAC 模型计算值进行了比较,结果表明相互作用参数的修正是理想的。

He was caught on camera between interrogations taking sip s of the liquid.


He was caught on camera between interrogations taking sips4 of the liquid.


He was caught on camera between interrogations taking sips of the liquid.


更多网络解释与修正液相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

buoyancy correction:浮力修正

buoy station,浮标站 | buoyancy correction,浮力修正 | buoyancy level measuring device,浮力液位测量装置


eradicator ink 修正液 | eradicator 除草机 | Eraditon 克杀螨

eradicator ink:修正液

Eradex 克杀螨 | eradicator ink 修正液 | eradicator 除草机

highlighter pen:银光笔

stationery 文具 | highlighter pen 银光笔 | correcting fluid 修正液

correction fluid:涂改液

修正液(又称涂改液、立可白、涂改液)(Correction Fluid)是一种白色不透明颜料,涂在纸上以遮盖错字,干涸后可于其上重新书写. 修正液传统上用小瓶子来包装,瓶盖附带一支小扫帚或者三角形的发泡塑胶浸在改错液里面. 由于修正液挥发性极高(亦即干涸得快),

correction fluid:修正液

cord 软线 | correction fluid 修正液 | cover page 封面

correction fluid:改正液

correcting equipment 校正设备 | correction fluid 改正液 | correction liquid 修正液

white correction fluid:白色修正液

white coral 白珊瑚 | white correction fluid 白色修正液 | white cotton cloth 白棉布

without correction fluid:修正液

商标,品牌 trademark brand brandname tradename | 修正液 without correction fluid | 独裁,暴政,专政 dictatorship tyranny regime

correction fluid white out / liquid white:修正液

"橡皮擦","eraser" | "修正液","correction fluid white out / liquid white" | "书签","bookmark "