英语人>词典>汉英 : 保险精算师 的英文翻译,例句
保险精算师 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
actuary  ·  actuaries

更多网络例句与保险精算师相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of or relating to the work of an actuary.


The third man, who is an actuary, puts his head in the guillotine hole, looks up, and says,"I think I see what the problem is ..."


He is unlikely to lose but, in this case, he acted more like a good actuary than a great value investor.


In the early 1980s I was studying to be an actuary, a statistician who measures risks for insurance companies.


Suggest that appointed actuary plays a key role in the internal control system and corporate governance of insurance company.


NEW YORK - Being an actuary, calculating statistics to determine probability and risk, is the best job to have in 2010, while working on an oil rig as a roustabout is the worst, according to a study released on Tuesday.


The majority of actuaries work within the insurance industry, although a growing number of actuaries work in other fields.


The actuaries, of course, relied on probability.


Tao was qualified as an associate of the Society of Actuaries before the foundation of People's Republic of China, and used to work for the China Life Insurance Company.

陶先生在五十年代就主持中国人民保险公司的人身保险工作,并在新中国成立之前就获得了 SOA 的准精算师资格,曾供职于解放前的中国人寿保险公司。

A form of insurance whereby, an underwriter agrees for a fee to take up a specific quantity of a new issue at the issue price if there is insufficient demand.

保险精算师参见:精算师*包销 Underwriting 指发行人向承销商付出一定的费用,换取承销商承诺在市场需求不足时,按发行价买下约定数量的新发行证券。

更多网络解释与保险精算师相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abandonment clause:委付条款

abandonment clause 委付条款 | act of god 不可抗力 | actuary 保险精算师


acronym n.只取单词首字母的所写词 | across-the-board 全面的 | actuary n.保险精算师


Actual useful life 实际可用年期 | Actuary 精算师;保险统计专家 | Agreement 协议;协定


傍大款 (of a girl ) find a sugar daddy ; be a mistress for a rich man ; lean on moneybags | 保险精算师 actuary | 保险业the insurance industry

appointed actuary:委任精算师

1973年,英国通过了一项法律,该法律规定保险公司必须要有委任精算师(Appointed Actuary)并实行精算建议制度,由精算师长期监管保险公司的财务状况. 为了使精算师能很好地履行他们的职责,1975年英国保险学会第一次出版了寿险精算师建议实务指南.

actuate size:实际尺寸

actuary | 保险精算师, 保险(业务)计算员 | actuate size | 实际尺寸 | actuate | 开动, 促使

additional blood test:附加血检报告

actuary 保险精算师 | additional blood test 附加血检报告 | additonal insurance 附加保险


度终结时"再保险"(reinsurance) 及"再保险人"(reinsurer) 分别包括"委任核数师"(appointed auditor) 指根据本条例第15条获委任为保"委任精算师"(appointed actuary) 指根据本条例第15条获委任为保"法定业务"(statutory business) 指─"直接业务"(direct busin


Actuarial present value 实际现值 | Actuaries 保险精算师;保险(业务)计算员 | Adaptec 雅德特

Mathematicians, Statisticians and Actuaries:数学家,统计学家,保险精算师

2255Mapping and Related Technologists and Technicians绘制地图及于... | 2161Mathematicians Statisticians and Actuaries数学家,统计学家,保险精算师 | 2232Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians...