英语人>词典>汉英 : 保持清醒 的英文翻译,例句
保持清醒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与保持清醒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abri spoke to reporters today and made it clear that he's keeping a cool head before the trip to Glasgow.


Local anaesthetics numb the body from the waist down and allow the mother to stay awake, but free of pain, during the operation.


Late at night, if feel sleepy, take awl stabbed his thigh, it will be able to remain sober.


We must be alert to face danger.


She may seldom be awake for longer than 25 to 30 minutes at a time.


Yet it is also important to be clear about what has not happened.


We still have some 'Englishness' left, keeping our minds open to the past and retaining some faith in our future, rejecting the logic-chopping rational for the widely if hazily reasonable, refusing to be cut off from instinct and intuition.


When he remains fully aware of his coming and going, his looking forward and his looking away, his bending and stretching, his wearing of his robe and carrying of his bowl, his eating and drinking, masticating and savoring, his defecating and urinating, his walking, standing, sitting, lying down, going to sleep or keeping awake, his speaking or being silent, then is he said to have clear comprehension.


Using an epidural catheter placed at the level of T1-2 or T2-3, seven patients scheduled for awake CABG received TEA for total arterial myocardial revascularization after partial lower sternotomy.Six patients remained awake and spontaneously breathing during the entire procedure, but one required intraoperative intubation for respiratory distress caused by phrenic nerve palsy. Hemodynamics were stable throughout surgery without significant arterial hypercarbia. All patients rated TEA as "good" or "excellent."

七个患者被安排在清醒的CABG接受TEA,在部分下肢手术后,使用安置於 T1-2 或 T2-3 的硬膜外导管,以进行总动脉的心肌血管更换术,其中六名患者保持清醒,并且在手术过程中自然地呼吸,但是一位患者因为隔膜神经瘫痪导致呼吸困难,而需要进行手术中的插管,血液动力学在手术过程中是稳定的,并未发生动脉的血中二氧化碳含量过高,所有患者认为TEA是&良好或极佳的&。

The good sense which kept him clear of Brook Farm because he thought Fourier "had skipped no fact but one,namely life," kept him clear from many similar departures into matters which the twenty-first century will probably not remember.


更多网络解释与保持清醒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

remain level-headed:保持清醒头脑

有利条件和积极因素 favorable conditions and positive factors | 保持清醒头脑 remain level-headed | 把困难考虑得充分一些 take into consideration all possible difficulties that we may encounter

so I,I got these drugs that kept me on an even keel:所以我 我吃了一些药片来保持清醒 )

and I couldn't get rid of them... | so I,I got these drugs that kept me on an even keel. ( 所以我 我吃了一些药片来保持清醒 ) | And then when I got to sona,I couldn't get my pills,so I had to... ( 可是我...


奥斯卡颁奖礼: the Oscars awards ceremony | 保持清醒头脑: sobering | 电影艺术: cinematography

stay awake:保持清醒

come out 出场 | stay awake 保持清醒 | word of advice 给你一个建议

Can you stay awake:你能保持清醒吗

4 Need coffee? 喝点咖啡吗? | 5 Can you stay awake? 你能保持清醒吗? | 6 Thinking clearly? 脑子清楚吗?

remain sober-minded:保持清醒的头脑

19.社会主要矛盾 Society's principal contradiction | 21.保持清醒的头脑 remain sober-minded | 22.党的基本路线 Party's basic line

remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential:保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感

保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national ec... | 保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感 remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential | 保护价格 protective pri...

remain sober-minded, become more aware of po:保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感

包车 to charter a vehicle (bus, train car, etc.); ... | 保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growt... | 保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感 remain sober-minded, become more aware of po

to live in the present moment, engaging our awarenss:活在当下,并保持清醒的头脑

to find joy in every day, acknowledging simple pleasures ... | to live in the present moment, engaging our awarenss 活在当下,并保持清醒的头脑 | to count the blessings in life, believing abundance aboun...

To live in the present moment,engaging your awareness:活在当下,并保持清醒的头脑

To find joy in every day,acknowledging simple pleasures,... | To live in the present moment,engaging your awareness,活在当下,并保持清醒的头脑, | To count the blessings in life,beliveing abundance aboun...