英语人>词典>汉英 : 依偎 的英文翻译,例句
依偎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cuddle  ·  cuddled  ·  cuddles  ·  cuddling

更多网络例句与依偎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I want you to be beside me.


You and me laughing,you and me crying, you and me dreaming, you and me holding on, you and me...just you and me sitting in a bughouse and I am checking you.


You and me laughingyou and me crying you and me dreaming you and me holding on you and me...just you and me sitting in a bughouse and I am checking you.


I will be there, clinging warmly to your hand


Snuggles: Think back to the last trimester of pregnancy when he was in close quarters in utero.


And not just because he's half comatose when you snug gl e up after sex.


I once silently prayed for you that I was once deep for you pull the soul, I and the prairie have approximately to decide, reach agreement to relate that missing the sentiment, walks arm in arm now in the prairie bosom, lets this agreement congeal eternal.


Be cause of your connivance, i choose to be a "big man" in front of you, i like to stay beside you, rely on your shoulder, i like the way you look at me, so tender .


Walking out of the consulting room I fell into Mark's arms.


Snuggle, cuddle, snuggle as if you will never let her go.


更多网络解释与依偎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Decendants of the dispossessed:勇士們無所依偎的子孫們啊

Mass graves remain unturned尚未毀壞的墓園 | Decendants of the dispossessed勇士們無所依偎的子孫們啊 | Return with bombs strapped to their chests以皮繩纏棺木於身而歸

Leaning together:相互依偎

We are the stuffed men 我们是塞满填料的人 | Leaning together 相互依偎 | Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! 头颅里塞满稻草,唉!

Look on as the loneliness like the shadow following the person Swear while nestling:當如影隨形的孤獨 相依偎時發誓

在太陽的引導下 Under the guide of... | 當如影隨形的孤獨 相依偎時發誓 Look on as the loneliness like the shadow following the person Swear while nestling | 不要害怕去相信 要張開翅膀 Don't fear to believ...

stand next to:站在...的旁边,依偎在...旁

146 be known for 因...而著名 | 147 stand next to 站在...的旁边,依偎在...旁 | 148 be tired of 厌烦,不喜欢


sheepish 懦弱的,羞怯的 | Snuggle 依偎 | fuzzy 有毛的


医疗室:Infirmary | 依偎:Snuggle;Nestle | 疑惧,紧张不安:Qualm

The warm snuggle or cuddle:温暖的依偎或拥抱

to a lick on my face一個舔我的臉 | The warm snuggle or cuddle溫暖的依偎或擁抱 | of a pets sweet embrace寵物甜蜜的擁抱

Saw two fair creatures, couched side by side:眼前有兩個精靈互相依偎

And, on the sudden, fainting with surprise, 突然的驚奇使我目眩... | Saw two fair creatures, couched side by side 眼前有兩個精靈互相依偎 | In deepest grass, beneath the whisp'ring roof 在細語樹葉下的草叢...

Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder:阿丽珊达依偎在他的肩膀

The god of love preparing to depart.爱的神祗,正准备出走远航. | Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder, 阿丽珊达依偎在他的肩膀, | They slip between the sentries of the heart. 他们溜过一道道心的哨防.

cuando sonamos juntos:我们依偎在一起梦想

desde aquel Noviembre 彼时遥远的十一月 | cuando sonamos juntos 我们依偎在一起梦想 | a querernos siempre 永远深爱对方