英语人>词典>汉英 : 仙境的 的英文翻译,例句
仙境的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fairy  ·  fairies

更多网络例句与仙境的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With this she anointed her delicate skin, and then she plaited the fair ambrosial locks that flowed in a stream of golden tresses from her immortal head.


Bearing that in mind, we'll leave it to you to try and categorise Cold Fairyland's sound.


Goodbye Alice in Wonderland Jewel It's four in the afternoon I'm on a flight leaving L.A. Trying to think about my life My youth scattered along the highway Hotel rooms and headlines I've made a living with a song Just a guitar as my companion Wanting desperately to belong Fame is filled with spoiled children They grow fat on fantasy I guess that's why I'm leaving I crave reality So goodbye Alice in Wonderland Goodbye yellow brick road There is a difference between dreaming and pretending I did not find paradise It was only a reflection of my lonely mind searching For what was missing in my life I'm embarassed to say the rest is a rock and roll cliche I hit the bottom when I reached the top I never knew it was you who was breaking my heart I thought you had to love me You did not Yes a heart can hallucinate If it's completely starved for love Can even make monsters seem like Angels from above You forged my love like a weapon And turned it against me like a knife You broke my last heartstring But you opened up my eyes So goodbye Alice in Wonderland Goodbye yellow brick road There is a difference between dreaming and pretending That was not love in your eyes It was only a reflection of my lonely mind wanting what was missing in my life And growing up is not the absence of dreaming It's being able to understand the difference between the ones you can hold And the ones that you've been sold Dreaming is a good thing cause it brings new things to life Pretending is an ending that perpetuates a lie Forgetting what you are Seeing for what you've been told Well, truth is stranger than fiction And this is my chance to get it right Life is much better without all of your pretty lies So Goodbye Alice in Wonderland You can keep your yellow brick road there is a difference between dreaming and pretending There's not tears in my eyes It was only a reflection of my lonely mind searching It was only a reflection of my lonely mind finding I find what's missing in my life


The Red Queen ripped the throne out from under The White Queen, and everyone in the kingdom has been waiting for Alice 's return for the prophesy to be fulfilled, the Jabberwocky to be defeated, and the wonderland that is Underland to be restored to its former peaceful beauty.


Join Stinky, Loof and all of your Wonderland friends to help unravel a mystery that is threatening Wonderland's existence!

加入臭, loof和您所有的仙境之友,以帮助破坏是一个谜,就是威胁仙境的存在!

Carroll's fairy tale "Ailisi Roams Wonder world To record", narrated girl Ailisi follows one to put on formal clothes' pinkeye rabbit roaming fairyland story, has run into many strange people and the matter, is first falls down from a rabbit hole, drinks can make one changes the small liquid medicines, also ate has been able to cause the human becomes the very big biscuit, did not stop changes between the giant and the pocket-sized person changes, about the stature size, was Ailisi continuously the very puzzled matter, was also she meets frequently in the fairyland, behind also had rabbit gentleman in family's liquid medicines and the small dessert,Right side the larva aculeata colonel's left side increased changes the small mushroom, Lisi said that she did not know who she was, one kind of height could not maintain 10 minutes, therefore who her indefinite oneself were.


I don't think she's playing a character; I believe Andrews is in fact the queen of Fairy Land . She looks perfect in her wings and fairy costume.


The thought of cave paradise, after a long period's development, became mature in the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties and the belief that famous mountains and waters are fairylands caused Taoists to realize the truth of "Tao" in nature.


Evil witch dew, dimension and kidnapped mermen prince, want to borrow his strength become dream rulers.


We established our manufacturing base of wine in Penglai, which is one of seven world famous wine coast.


更多网络解释与仙境的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Antelope Canyon:印第安的仙境--羚羊峡谷

15 遍野荒蛮的断痕残壁--纪念碑峡谷印地安保护区 Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Par | 16 印第安的仙境--羚羊峡谷 Antelope Canyon | 17 印第安部族的纪念地--红岩峡谷纪念地 Canyon de Chelly National Monument

Antelope Canyon:印第安保护区 印第安的仙境--羚羊谷印第安人保护区

州立保护区 自然奇观--马蹄谷州立自然保护区Horseshoe Bend | 印第安保护区 印第安的仙境--羚羊谷印第安人保护区Antelope Canyon | 遍野荒蛮的断痕残壁--纪念碑谷印第安人保护区Monument Valley

deliciously divine view:宜人的仙境

9 spectacular view引人入胜的景色 | 10 deliciously divine view 宜人的仙境 | 11 I'd want to watch him mosey.我想看他自己缓缓走过来.


elfish /如小精灵的/好恶作剧的/小妖精的/ | elfland /小妖精国/仙境/ | elflock /纠结的头发/卷发/

An unsubstantial, faery place:在一个缥缈的仙境

Again appears to be 再次象曾经的那样 | An unsubstantial, faery place; 在一个缥缈的仙境 | That is fit home for thee!aa 那里才是适合你的家啊


她所降临的那片森林如梦似幻,飘渺而美丽,让我感觉仿佛梦游仙境(Fairyland)一般. 在这里,美丽的花朵不再刹那(Moments)绽放,而是四季(Season)常开. 茂密的森林也不再幽深寂静,而是充满了金丝雀(Kanariya)欢快的歌声,就这样她,


网路游戏时代,攻占王座的"仙境传说"(RO)则维持智冠传统,让玩家流传"RO有三宝,断线、Lag、修不好"的顺口溜. 话虽如此,笔者认为智冠是游戏界的绝佳投资标的,绝对能确保公司及股东利益,这项成就一直是其它游戏公司所难以企及的.


"接下来,"凤凰"号将开始在一个被称之为"仙境"(Wonderland)的区域进行挖掘,这个区域是面积更大的名为"柴郡猫"(CheshireCat)的"国家公园"的一部分. 出于保护目的,科学家已放弃了一些挖掘区域,直到他们完成实际的挖掘为止,

Winter Wonderland:冬日仙境

按照儒略历(Julian calendar)俄罗斯人更习惯在每年的1月7日庆祝圣诞节,不过在伦敦可不是这样,这里的圣诞节要提早一些. 近日阿尔沙文一家去伦敦海德公园的冬日仙境(Winter Wonderland)游玩了一番.

On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair:论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生

On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland论爱丽丝梦游仙境的童... | On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论<<名利场>>中利蓓加的悲喜一生 | On the Humour of Oliver Twist论<<雾都孤儿>>的...