英语人>词典>汉英 : 人情味 的英文翻译,例句
人情味 的英文翻译、例句


the milk of human kindness
更多网络例句与人情味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The technical term of medical treating environment which including the good understanding with the means of medical science and the concept of human concerned, pursuing the height emotion, human interests of the medical treatment building and take more affiant. Leading the life to satisfy with the patients spirit need. Fulfilling the basically principle centering on patients has become the leading thought of modem medical design and management.


And the time flow in this book is exquisite: as in life, Gilman's transforms Joseph from page in subtle but certain stages, bringing him from early childhood into his cheder years. This is a story kids will love to By Jennifer M. Macleod "yiddishe supermama"


When the melody rose, her voice broke up sweetly, following it, in a way contralto voices have , and each change tipped out a little of her warm human magic upon the air.


This seems to contradict the common belief that computers dehumanize the individual.


This is a diffuse thick human, to do the best tourist community.


Hero is confused not choose character speaks " wet breathe out breathe out ", ably suggestion goes out, as contrary as dryasdust is the milk of human kindness, it and informal system or " amorphous is organized " have immanent connection, it puts the person from mechanical condition solution, restore the person's true colors.


The town effuse warmth and hospitality.


In our office, too much bright and so many white fitment that made the space appearance became impassive.


Chinese traditional fairness idea is a kind of "fairness theory of ethic" with human touch, which explores the content of fairness mainly from one's own heart, intuitive knowledge or being getting kind.


Being an empathetic listener is key to help you help your customer achieve the results they are after.


更多网络解释与人情味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

work against time:争分夺秒

the milk of human kindness;人情味 | work against time;争分夺秒 | let up;休息一下,缓和下来

hospitality; friendliness:人情味?人類眾生相

5835人情味?人類人稱humanity; human touch | 5836人情味?人類眾生相hospitality; friendliness | 5837人控太空飛行網娛樂衛星傳播manned space flight network

human interest:人情味

正像今天一样,报道开始与分析分离;特稿文章开始出现,并与上述两者有别,它带有我们今天所说的"人情味"(human interest);'硬'新闻与'软'新闻有了界限;文学新闻事业(literary journalism)诞生了;记者访谈也被发明出来;报纸开始发起社会运动.

human interest:人情味xHE中国英语学习网

hot news 热点新闻 xHE中国英语学习网 | human interest 人情味xHE中国英语学习网 | ib-depth reporting 深度报道xHE中国英语学习网

human interest:人情味muE久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程

hot news 热点新闻muE久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | human interest 人情味muE久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | in-depth reporting 深度报道muE久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程

no doubt very humanely directed:也毋庸置疑这有些人情味

form of Gestapo...|形式的盖世太保... | no doubt very humanely directed..."|也毋庸置疑这有些人情味..." | - That's bollocks! Bollocks. - "in the first instance.|- 这是胡说! 胡说 - "但那只是在最初

You're trying to humanize yourself, like you're some poor victim:你想让自己富有人情味 就好像你是个可怜的受害者

I know what you're trying to do.|... | You're trying to humanize yourself, like you're some poor victim.|你想让自己富有人情味 就好像你是个可怜的受害者 | I told you, I'm not gonna hurt you! All right?|我...

humanness:为人; 人情味; 人性 (名)

humanly 像人地; 用人力 (副) | humanness 为人; 人情味; 人性 (名) | humanoid 类人动物; 猿人 (名)

a New York kiss-off:极其没有人情味的解雇

quicker than a New York minute 比纽约时间还快 | rush hour 高峰时间 | a New York kiss-off 极其没有人情味的解雇.

Brand: Ultimate Human Touch HT-1650 Massage Chair Recliner:品牌:最终的人情味羟色胺- 1650按摩椅躺椅

Address: 地址: | Brand: Ultimate Human Touch HT-1650 Massage Chair Recliner 品牌:最终的人情味羟色胺- 1650按摩椅躺椅 | Color: Dark Chocolate Premium Leather 颜色:黑巧克力保费皮革