英语人>词典>汉英 : 亲密的 的英文翻译,例句
亲密的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chummy  ·  close  ·  familiar  ·  intimate  ·  nearest  ·  thickest  ·  contubernal  ·  pally  ·  chummier  ·  closes  ·  intimated  ·  intimates  ·  intimating

更多网络例句与亲密的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That young man had too much money. The dear friend was mad on the subject of the diamond mine. He put all his own money /into/ it, and all Captain Crewe's. Then the dear friend ran away-- Captain Crewe was already stricken with fever when the news came.


Its abreact the object is their close young associate more, should not treat a homosexuality so.


"I'm kind of getting affectionate to it," Ginobili said.


At its best, Before Sunrise colors in that space, rendering visible the magical air pocket of intimacy.


Having or appearing to have the close relationship of chum s.


In the intimate circle of Fuwa ,Huanhuan is the big brot...


You may get some information during this period that changes the way you view someone you have been close to platonically or romantically.


Having or appearing to have the close relationship of chums .


On familiar terms; pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders.


I believe that we're programmed at birth to produce endorphins when we're in close relationships.


更多网络解释与亲密的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yours affectionately:你的亲密的

Yours very sincerely,你最忠诚的朋友,你最忠诚的 | Yours affectionately,你的亲密的 | Love, 爱你的

Yours affectionately:您的亲密的

Yours very sincerely,您最忠诚的朋友,您最忠诚的 | Yours affectionately,您的亲密的 | Love, 爱您的


这些都是矛盾的姿势,亲密的(intimate),身体上的争斗. 当这场身体的斗争被译成正式的逻辑(表述)时,就出现了矛盾的陈述. 这种幽灵的回归(revenance)并非偶然地降临在言语(words)头上,随之而来的是临近某个(some)或多余的(spare)他者的死亡.

intimate relationship:亲密的关系

intimate 亲密的 | intimate relationship 亲密的关系 | grade 年级

intimate relationship:亲密的联系

"intimate " "亲密的 " 心里提他 | "intimate relationship " 亲密的联系 | "grade " 年级

contubernal:一起生活的, 亲密的

controvertist | 争论者, 好争论者 | contubernal | 一起生活的, 亲密的 | contumacious | 不听令的, 顽固的, 反抗法院命令的

Allen by is the most near and dear friend of mine:艾伦比是我最亲密的朋友

near and dear亲密的,亲近的: | Allen by is the most near and dear friend of mine. 艾伦比是我最亲密的朋友. | near at hand在手边;在近旁;不久,即将到来,不久的将来:

preintimate individuals:前亲密的个体

亲密的个体 intimate individuals | 前亲密的个体 preintimate individuals | 刻板的个体 stereolyped individuals

intimate individuals:亲密的个体

孤独感 isolation | 亲密的个体 intimate individuals | 前亲密的个体 preintimate individuals

Confidences trop intimes:亲密的陌生人

看帕特里斯.勒孔特的<<亲密的陌生人>>(Confidences trop intimes)那天是耶稣升天节,一个非常法国的假日,电影院人满为患. 可在<<亲密的陌生人>>的映厅里却坐满了白发苍苍的60岁以上的影迷,有种进了老年活动中心的错觉. 法国这种独特的观众群分化令我颇为震动,