英语人>词典>汉英 : 亲子关系 的英文翻译,例句
亲子关系 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
parentage  ·  parenthood

更多网络例句与亲子关系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The disavowal of parenthood is an important system.It establishes the law degree between parents and family in the realm of paternity law.


In these documents the natural divine filiation of Jesus even as man is strongly asserted, and His adoptive filiation, at least in so far as it excludes the natural, is rejected as heretical.


In Basilidianism it is the Third Filiation that is captive in matter, and is gradually being saved, now that the knowledge of its existence has been brought to the first Archon and then to the Second Archon, to each by his respective Son; and the news has been spread through the Hebdomad by Jesus the son of Mary, who died to redeem the Third Filiation.


For the baby, the parent-child relationship is of great importance. There is no substitute for parenting.


Results (1)Relevance rate of behavioral problems in type 1 diabetes group was 20.2%,two fold significantly higher than that in the control group(8.2%)(P=0.000).(2)Logistic analysis showed that risk factors concerned behavioral problems in diabetic children and adolescents included patients lived in rural areas,poor parents' marital relationship,poor parent- child relation,improper cultural ways,poor communication and understandings between family members,uniparental family and poor control of blood glucose.(3)It was found that diabetes was the most significant risk factor affected the occurrence of behavioral problems among all related factors based on the analytic results in both the type 1 diabetes group and the health group.Conclusions (1)Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes are the high- risk population who are apt to the occurrence of behavioral problems.


In Basilidianism it is the Third Filiation that is captive in matter, and is gradually being saved, now that the knowledge of its existence has been brought to the first Archon and then to the Second Archon, to each by his respective Son; and the news has been spread through the Hebdomad by Jesus the son of Mary, who died to redeem the Third Filiation.


The so-called core-family transformation means the transformation of family relationship from father-son oriented to husband-wife oriented. In the clan era of old China, marriage means supports and assistants to parents and continuity of a clan, while it is the conjugal relation that would be paid more attention to as well as the demand for higher quality of marriage and family life when the transformation has been done. From this point of view, the increasing devoice rate may be not that bad thing.


Furthermore, three kinds of conflict events,"fulfill positive obligation","violate uncompulsory obligation" and "violate compulsory obligation" were best predictors of parent-child relation after conflict.


Our sermons are time and again framed around "shoulds","coulds", and scoldings – as though we had a parent-child relationship with our congregations.


As a view of Social Cognitive Development from Smetana (2005), the discrepancies between parents' and adolescents' beliefs on parental authority and personal jurisdiction lead to conflicts in parent-adolescent relationships, however, there has been few empirical research researches to link the discrepancies directly to parent-adolescent relationship.


更多网络解释与亲子关系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


许女士是一周前从女儿的家长会上得知这场讲座的消息的. 在讲座结束后填写的问卷调查中,她写到:"无条件地接纳"、"进入孩子的世界"两个观点对她最有帮助. 而这两个观点,对应的正是"亲子关系的7A原则"中的"接纳"(Acceptance) 与"接近"(Approach) 两条.

bluegill sunfish:大鳍鳞鳃太阳鱼

然而,雄性大鳍鳞鳃太阳鱼(bluegill sunfish)为我们提供了一种检验这一理论的方式. 这种鱼的雄性通过两种方式来判断亲子关系:一是产卵期间是否存在充当第三者的雄性,二是新孵化出的卵所释放出的气味. 研究人员在实验中对这两种关于亲子关系的线索进行控制,

Parental Bordering Instrument:亲子关系量表

parental behavior 亲职行为 | Parental Bordering Instrument 亲子关系量表 | parental care 亲代抚育

extended family:大家庭

扩大家庭 (extended family)或称「大家庭」,通是指一个家庭内由两个或两个以上的核心家庭透过亲子关系所组成的家庭,亦即除了,夫妇与未婚子女外,也包括已婚子女及其子嗣、祖父母、兄弟手足或其他亲属在内.

filial psychotherapy:亲子心理治疗法

filial generation 子代 | filial psychotherapy 亲子心理治疗法 | filiation 父子关系


filial psychotherapy 亲子心理治疗法 | filiation 父子关系 | fillet 丘系


一个主要关心病人的健康福利的分析师,或者一个对她的孩子倾注了极大关注的母亲,他们的情感就有这种属性:我认为,伴随着亲子关系的萌芽(the germ of parenthood),孩子对生活有所醒悟,其中已经包含了"给予"(give)和"回应"(res


20世纪80年代 医学家们又开创了使用染色体多态性鉴定亲子关系的技术 染色体多态性又称异态性(heteromorphism) 是指正常人群中常见的各种染色体形态的微小变异(如:随体增大、重复或缺如 着比粒区的荧光强度变异等) 这种多态是可以遗传的.

parent-child relationship:亲子关系

宽容型父母 permissive parenting | 亲子关系 parent-child relationship | 核心家庭 nuclear family

role model:角色模范

忙碌的结果是孩子们在成长的过程中失去了角色模范(role model),夫妻关系、亲子关系常出现危机. 当我们面对当今一些层出不穷的家庭问题时,应再一次思考道成肉身的榜样∶是神亲自差他儿子来到世上,住在人中间,将父神的本性及大能显给世人看.