英语人>词典>汉英 : 不足之处 的英文翻译,例句
不足之处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

black mark
更多网络例句与不足之处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The film seems to be made up of a mix of styles.


The fifth part is the conclusion, in which the innovation and imperfection of this article is summarized.


According to the above-mentioned factor, Be at interborough trade school in Inner Mongolia from teach for more than 20 years of I, chose a topic inInner Mongolia in particularly the student consume


The prolegomenon part mainly explains the significance of choosing this subject and the present state of this problem, mainly research thinking way and means, maybe innovations and deficiencies of the paper.


In order to overcome the disadvantage and improve the system,Expert system is applied to the refiner control.


To resolve those problems, the nature of safety is expatiated by comparing the differences between safety and reliability, security, which would facilitate us to design some novel safety mechanisms. Based on multilevel safeguard mechanisms, the safety technologies of distributed mission real time system is deeply, systematically researched in this dissertation, some main works and contributiveness including:1 To improve safety of complex mission critical real time system by dividing and ruling way, the whole system usually is divided into few small and simple subsystems with different criticality.


On the basis of legal relationship analyzing, the paper would find out the recent developments and defects of our country's affordable housing system. The recent developments include: defining the guarantee nature of the affordable housing, endowing the low-income group the right of being protected by the affordable housing system, making sue the land for affordable housing construction should take the priority, letting the government have the right to sale the affordable housing, defining and regulating the ownership of affordable housing and supervising the government power. The defects of the system include: lacking legislative system and specialized authorities, the monotonous operation way, imperfect supervising system and unconsummated related systems.


spivak's death of a discipline,which has brought about heated discussion in western academia,is of significance to our resurveying of western comparative literature,especially that of u.s.it is also significant for a study on comparative literature's death and its rebirth,and for a reflection on the development of china's comparative literature.the paper makes an introductory study on the original ideas as well as the insufficiencies of spivak's work.besides,it discusses the inspiration and further thinking the book brought to us.


And then, it explains some important concepts of word definition in dictionary, such as words, headwords, meaning, shout cut, etc., and the relationships between them.


It is indeed the product of various countries' culture, so its application is determined by cultural factors. The paper can be divided into three parts, the first part reviews Leech politeness principle and it's advantage and disadvantage, then it discusses its cultural characteristics by using contrastive analysis method to analyze cultural origins and decisiveness of politeness principle. Then it explains cultural decisiveness of the politeness principle by introducing Chinese politeness criteria, Examples on vocatives, terms of humility and honorifics, taboos and euphemism are also given to further illustrate this point. Finally it proposes the conclusion: we should learn more about politeness principle and its cultural characteristics and raise people's consciousness on this issue so as to help people successfully in cross-cultural communication.


更多网络解释与不足之处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Black mark:令人不满意之处,不足之处

He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white. 他坚持要有书面协议. | black mark令人不满意之处,不足之处: | I hope you can point out my black mark. 我希望你能指出我的不足之处.

black market exchange:黑市外汇

black mark | 污点,不足之处 | black market exchange | 黑市外汇 | black market financing | 黑市筹资

black marketeer:黑市商人

black mark 不足之处, 黑点, 不良的评语 | black marketeer 黑市商人 | black out 灯火管制, 停止, 熄灯

decode decipher:译解

defect flaw 缺点,不足之处 | decode decipher 译解 | delay drawback 耽误




Two sources两个来源 | Multiple sources多个来源 | Limitations不足之处

Redeeming virtue:可弥补其不足之处的功能

Recover damage 追偿损害赔偿,得到补偿 | Redeeming virtue 可弥补其不足之处的功能 | Refusal to deal 拒绝交易


881)lengthy 冗长的,过长的 | 882)deficiencies 缺陷,不足之处 | 883)accommodation area 食宿区

inadequacies of:不足之处

inability of courts to enforce 法庭无力执行 | inadequacies of不足之处 | inadequate forecast of demand对需求估计不足

Everything has its drawbacks:凡事都有不足之处

4643. The great drawback to living near a main road is noise. 住在大街旁最大的... | 4644. Everything has its drawbacks. 凡事都有不足之处. | 4645. He locked his diary in the upper drawer. 他把日记锁在上...