英语人>词典>英汉 : yield to maturity的中文,翻译,解释,例句
yield to maturity的中文,翻译,解释,例句

yield to maturity

yield to maturity的基本解释

[经] 到期日收益(报酬), 到期报酬率

更多网络例句与yield to maturity相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is meant by a bond ' s yield to maturity and how is it calculated?


The yield to maturity on the company's bonds is 9 percent.


Sometimes used in determining a bond's yield to maturity.


And the analysis of the yield curve of bond uses the concept of yield to maturity.


If your company has bonds outstanding, estimate the yield to maturity on a long term bond?


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更多网络解释与yield to maturity相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

yield to maturity:到期收益率

指附息债券到期收益率 (Yield to Maturity) 和剩余年期的关系,横轴为债券的到期年指计算未来一笔现金流当前现值所用的贴现率 (Discou nted Rate) 和该笔现金流距当前一般通称的即期利率 (Spot Rate) 指的是期限结构上某一个年期点上的利率,

yield to maturity:到期孳息率

就选择个别债券作出最后定案. 债券的孳息率受你认购或买入债券时的价格所影响,最终同样有可能较票面息率为高或低. 目前,三种最常用的债券孳息率指标是现时孳息率 (current yield)、到期孳息率(yield to maturity)和至通知赎回时孳息率(yield to call).

yield to maturity:到期收益

到期收益(Yield to maturity) 它是债券吸引力的衡量标准,计算方式是从目前至到期日间的总 利息,再加上复利(Compound interest),以及到期时可能出现的 盈利或亏损.

yield to maturity:到期殖利率

另外一个可转债的特性为其到期殖利率(yield to maturity) 较普通债券为高,这是因为可转债存续期间往往较普通股为短,而到期殖利率是计算目前买入债券持有到到期的收益率,因此在可转债通常较短的到期期间下,能得到教高的收益率,

yield to maturity:abbr. ytm; 到期收益率

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