英语人>词典>英汉 : xeromorphous的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[植]旱性结构的, 旱生型的

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But at the same time,itexisted in the fact that the water environment was amended,showingthat many lakes and ponds such as Hong Jiannuo Lake appearing andexpanding in the end of Qing dynasty.4.The vegetation in Mu Su Desert passed through several phases inhistorical times,the main phases are:the species composition ofvegetation community was gradually simplified;xeromorphous and sandyplant increased;the status of desert vegetation rose evidently.However,the change of vegetation zonation means that forest plainchanged into drought plain did not occur.5.The main modality of Mu Su Desert land degenerating has beendesertification,it had occurred before human activities intervenedintensively.Two-thirds of land has been desertification at variousdegrees.
