英语人>词典>英汉 : wrist的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

wrist [rist]


腕关节, 手腕

  • She grabbed her husband by the wrist and dragged him away.
  • 她一把抓住她丈夫的手腕将他拖走了。
  • That was all wrist.
  • 这全凭手腕功夫。
Body / 身体 [163]

urinary system  ·  respiratory system  ·  red blood cells  ·  lumbar vertebrae  ·  fallopian tubes  ·  endocrine system  ·  collar bone  ·  cervical vertebrae  ·  blood vessels  ·  ball of the foot

更多 网络例句 与wrist相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While applying, keep your fingers together and your wrist lifted, letting your wrist tough your skin can create smudges and streaks and give you a freakishly tan wrist!


A hemadynamometer has an air bag designed for attaining oppression or ischemia of radial artery only without oppressing ulnar artery, with a length of the bag made, when the bag is wound on a user's wrist on its radial side starting from such hard organization area as tendons on palm side of the wrist through the radial artery, to reach at least styloid process of radius but not to reach the ulnar artery, and with a width set for locally oppressing the radial artery at least substantially right above the styloid process of radius in longitudinal direction of the wrist.


The multiple linear regression analysis suggested stronger associations for shoulder pain and "frequent bending while moving/lifting heavy objects" or "frequent long-lasting moving/lifting objects"; finger/wrist pain and "continual twisting of the wrist" or "frequently vigoro us action of the wrist"; and low back/waist pain and "frequent bending while moving/lifting heavy objects."


更多网络解释 与wrist相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2)前臂 (forearm) 相对,腕(wrist),手掌(palm)和手指的姿势,这里的重点是打坐时手的部位尽量保持在最自然(most natural and relax)的状态中. 例如我们站著时,整个手臂最自然的状态是双臂和手都垂下,掌心自然是向内对著自己的双腿而大拇指和四指成平面,


当你走进他们的村寨时,便会有一位老太太或年轻姑娘,口中念念有词地把一缕浸过香水的白线(white line)拴(tie)在你的手腕(wrist)上,以示对你最真挚的欢迎.


3,痛风(gout):关节液中蓄积尿酸晶体(uric acid crystals),多见于大脚趾(big toe),踝骨(ankle),膝部(knee),少见于腕部(wrist),肘部(elbow)突发性的灼痛,僵直和肿胀.


Clavicle(锁骨)是一个关节,它是上臂的原点,同样肘关节(elbow joint)是前臂的原点,腕关节(wrist)是手指骨骼的原点. 关节既决定了骨骼空间的位置,又是骨骼空间的旋转和缩放中心. 为什么用一个4X4矩阵就可以表达一个骨骼,

wrist watch:手表

1940年,手表(Wrist Watch)己正式取代怀表(Pocket Watch)地位成为报时产品之主流,随着瑞士钟表工业之生产机械及技术不断之改良及进步,部份手表机蕊零件如底板、齿轮和夹板等己由人手制造改为机器生产,使各零件规格划一,为零件互换开创了先河,

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