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The juxtaposition of the two spaces—the cramped and airless closet, the window with its unlimited vistas beyond—efficiently but wrenchingly suggests the man's tragedy: the life he has lived, the life that might have been.


And few outsiders are in a position to preach to the countries of the east, which have so wrenchingly changed since the collapse of communism, and are now the continent's fastest-growing part.


Paired with Captain Tony Stone, a tightly wound, by-the-book veteran, Will soon discovers just how excruciating their job is, as a series of wrenchingly powerful scenes shows them delivering the worst possible news to spouses, parents, and others.


NEW YORK - No constituency is more eager to see a woman win the presidency than America's feminists, yet — despite Hillary Rodham Clinton 's historic candidacy — the women's movement finds itself wrenchingly divided over the Democratic race as it heads toward the finish
