英语人>词典>英汉 : worm disease的中文,翻译,解释,例句
worm disease的中文,翻译,解释,例句

worm disease

worm disease的基本解释




更多网络例句与worm disease相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More than two hundred million people suffer from this parasitic worm disease.


Guinea worm disease usually does not kill, but it is extremely painful.


More than two hundred million people suffer from this parasite worm disease. Mostly in developing nations in.


That is the technical name for Guinea worm disease.


More than two hundred million people suffer from parasite worm disease.


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更多网络解释与worm disease相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tongue worm disease:舌状虫病

Toadfish poisoning; Tetroden poisoning 河豚中毒 | Tongue worm disease 舌状虫病 | Tonsillar calculus; Tonsillolith; Tonsillith; Amygdalolith; Tonsolith 扁桃体石

Appendical worm disease:阑尾蠕虫病

Appendical pin-worm disease 蛲虫性阑尾病 | Appendical worm disease 阑尾蠕虫病 | Appendiceal cancer 阑尾癌

nodule worm disease:结节虫病

\\"小结\\",\\"nodule\\" | \\"结节虫病\\",\\"nodule worm disease\\" | \\"集合淋巴结\\",\\"nodule,aggregated\\"

worm disease:蠕虫病,肠虫病

worm couple ==> 蜗轮蜗杆副 | worm disease ==> 蠕虫病,肠虫病 | worm distributor ==> 螺旋给料机

worm disease:蠕虫病

Helcology 溃疡学 | Helminthism; Invermination; Worm disease; Vermination 蠕虫病 | Heloderma venom poisoning 蜥蜴毒中毒

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