英语人>词典>英汉 : work steadily的中文,翻译,解释,例句
work steadily的中文,翻译,解释,例句

work steadily

work steadily的基本解释


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The aircraft has a good work performance, productivity, work steadily and complete safety device.


Come 10 years, children of prosperous of 560 thousand article is mixed theoretically in Deng Xiaoping " 3 delegates " serious thought is how-to below, accompanying the reforming and opening of agitate of old special zone and socialistic modernization upsurge, do poineering work difficultly, constantly strive to become stronger, make development work steadily of Wen Chang, change one year greatly, make great change of vicissitudes of life of earth of live abroad countryside, spring scenery eyeful.

开篇寄语 11月是金黄的时令,是收获的季节。1995 年11月7日,具有2000多年悠久历史的名县文昌,经国务院批准撤县设市。10年来,56万文昌儿女在邓小平理论和&三个代表&重要思想指引下,伴随着大特区激荡的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设热潮,艰苦创业,自强不息,使文昌的发展一步一个脚印,一年一大变化,使侨乡大地沧桑巨变,春光满眼。

According to the experimental data, it can be seen that the current transformer this paper designed could work reliably. At the range of -40~70 oC, it can work steadily. Furthermore the ratio error and phase error of current transformer could satisfy the state criterion of 0.2 standard. Relative to the tradition electromagnetic current transformers the respond speed and bandwidth are increased greatly. As a result, it is hopeful that the electronic current transducer we designed is practical.

经试验验证,本课题设计的电子式电流互感器工作可靠,在-40~70 oC温度范围内均能稳定工作,而且其比差和相差都满足国标中对 0.2 级电流互感器的要求,其动态响应速度、带宽等性能明显比传统电磁式电流互感器有很大的改进,因此其有望很快进入实用化阶段。