英语人>词典>英汉 : word painting的中文,翻译,解释,例句
word painting的中文,翻译,解释,例句

word painting

word painting的基本解释


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I am artistic in every sense of the word, from designing, painting, building, writing and my number one...cooking.


Even there is a word saying the painting is dead, the painting, as one of the modern arts, is always full of energy.


True to his word, the painting went above the fireplace, pushing aside thousands of dollars worth of art.


It can be said, each word, setting a national painting and have the mentality of the era, steeped in the culture of the national spirit.


It can be said, each word, setting a national painting and have thementality of the era, steeped in the culture of the national spirit. As


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word painting:生动之描述

word order 词序 | word painting 生动之描述 | word picture 口头描述

word painting:生动的叙述

word-of-mouth 口头的 | word-painting 生动的叙述 | word-perfect 熟记台词的

word painting:歌词描绘

"木管乐器","Wood wind" | "歌词描绘","Word painting" | "腕力触键法","Wrist touch"

word painting:作品里所用词语的特色

unusual instruments罕见的乐器 | word painting作品里所用词语的特色. | Comments心得评价:

measure word for picture, painting, etc:幅

27. 装修 to fit up (a house, etc.) | 28. 幅 measure word for picture, painting, etc. | 29. 特别 particular; special