英语人>词典>英汉 : wood tin的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
wood tin的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

wood tin

wood tin的基本解释

木锡矿, 纤锡矿

更多网络例句与wood tin相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This crude, raw city, with its crowding houses all of wood and tin, its blot ting fogs, its uproarious trade winds, disturbed and saddened her


This crude, raw city, with its crowding houses all of wood and tin , its blot tin g fogs, its uproarious trade winds, disturbed and saddened her


This crude, raw city , with its crowding houses all of wood and tin, its blotting fogs, its uproarious trade winds, disturbed and saddened her


Ivory, copper, cotton, rubber, wood, tin, gold, diamonds, and people.


I needed to create something so I found these materials wood, copper, tin, aluminum nails and acrylic paint.


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更多网络解释与wood tin相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wood tin:木锡石

Wood stone 木石 | Wood tin 木锡石 | Wooden Spoon Seller's Sapphire 胡顿?斯本?塞勒蓝宝石

Wood tin:纤锡矿;木锡矿

木蛋白石 wood opal | 纤锡矿;木锡矿 wood tin | 正橄玄武岩 woodendite

Wood tin:纤锡石

"木石棉","Wood rock" | "纤锡石","Wood tin" | "石化木;矽化木","Wood; petrified"

Wood tin:木锡矿

木质泥炭 wood peat | 木锡矿 wood tin | 正橄玄武岩 woodendite

ivory, copper, cotton, rubber, wood, tin, gold, diamonds, and people:象牙、铜、棉花、橡胶、木材、锡、金、钻石、还有人

But when it came to stuff worth pinching one continen... | ivory, copper, cotton, rubber, wood, tin, gold, diamonds, and people.|象牙、铜、棉花、橡胶、木材、锡、金、钻石、还有人. | As cheap energy, slaves wer...

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