英语人>词典>英汉 : wicked的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

wicked ['wikid]


坏的, 邪恶的, 缺德的, 刻毒的, 恶劣的, 淘气的

  • The wicked storm lasted three days.
  • 灾害性的风暴持续了三天。
  • They charged wicked prices.
  • 他们漫天要价。
  • He denied that he had done anything wicked.
  • 他否认做过任何邪恶的勾当。
  • He plays a wicked game of bridge.
  • 他桥牌打得很棒。
adj. rough · wrong · base · vicious · tough · sinful · hard · unpleasant · bad · low · evil · severe · naughty · rugged · vile · difficult
Negative / 否定语 [224]

eroding  ·  deprived  ·  sobbing  ·  zero  ·  yucky  ·  yell  ·  wound  ·  worthless  ·  woeful  ·  wicked

更多 网络例句 与wicked相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For original sin is not a sin which is committed, but it inheres in the nature, substance, and essence of man, so that, though no wicked thought ever should arise in the heart of corrupt man, no idle word were spoken, no wicked deed were done, yet the nature is nevertheless corrupted through original sin, which is born in us by reason of the sinful seed, and is a fountainhead of all other actual sins, as wicked thoughts, words, and works, as it is written Matt.

对於原罪,是不是一种罪过,这是承诺,但它inheres在性质,内容,以人的本质,所以说,虽然没有邪恶的思想任何时候都应该出现在心脏的腐败男子,没有闲置字分别发言后,没有恶人契约的人做的,但性质却是败坏通过的原罪,这是出生在美因该罪孽深重的种子,是一个源泉,所有其他实际捷联惯导系统,由於邪恶思想,言论,及工务,因为它是写马特。15, 19: Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts。

And there you shall remember your ways, and all your wicked doings with which you have been defiled; and you shall be displeased with yourselves in your own sight, for all your wicked deeds which you committed.


"Now," said that wicked, wicked woman, lay your head down on the billet while I part your hair.

" "现在,"这个邪恶的女人说,"把你的头放到木头上,我好分开你的头发。

更多网络解释 与wicked相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


新教改革时期,"邪恶的"(wicked)一词包含浓烈的基督教原罪意识. 作为文艺复兴时期的新教诗人,斯宾塞接受了欧洲大陆加尔文教义的影响. 加尔文教义将时间产生的流变性、腐朽性归结于人的原罪. 基督教的原罪实质上是人破坏了人和上帝之间的立约.


目前,这位戏剧出道的男演员正在参演百老汇音乐剧>(Wicked),并领衔此剧主角费耶若(Fiyero). 在>中扮演纽约上东区贵公子奈特阿奇博尔德的表兄特里普范德比尔特,2010年有一部Aaron主演的电影嚎叫即将上映,


12:31的"所以"(dia touto)结束上文之辩论,因为法利赛人否认耶稣以圣灵之能力赶鬼,耶稣遂宣告他们的审判,分两面:耶稣洞悉他们的心态,一开口便重责他们,称他们为"邪恶"( wicked)及"淫乱"(moichalis,意"奸淫","失贞";


另外马克.普拉特还将把>(Jesus Christ Superstar)和>(Wicked)两部经典音乐剧搬上银幕,当然这也算作他和环球公司协议期内的影片.

Wicked Game:邪恶游戏

12 I Won't Hold You Back 永远支持你 / 5:30 | 13 Wicked Game 邪恶游戏 / 5:53 | 14 Out Of The Cold 共渡严寒 / 3:50

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