whorled [hwə:ld]
- whorled的基本解释
有涡漩的, 轮生的, 有螺纹的
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- whorled所属的单词分类
Plant / 植物
vascular plant · terminal bud · simple leaf · sea weed · sage brush · petrified wood · opposite leaves · lateral bud · lanceolate leaf · incomplete flower
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Any of several evergreen coniferous trees of the genus Araucaria native to South America and Australia, having awl-shaped leaves and whorled branches and including the monkey puzzle and Norfolk lsland pine.
Leaves 4--7, opposite and alternate, never whorled; bract 1, apex acuminate or curved.
叶4 --7,对生和互生,从未轮生;苞片1,先端渐尖或弯曲。
Color came in gradually, first through a hand-tinted 3-D rose whorled center-front on a white bustier dress, then developing into extravagantly realized palettes taken from portraits of women by the Impressionists, Dutch masters, Pre-Raphaelites, and the greats of the Spanish school.
颜色来在逐步,首先通过一个手有色的3 D上升whorled中心前就白纸bustier着装,然后发展成为奢华实现调色板采取从画像妇女由印象派,荷兰语的主人,前raphaelites ,和伟大该西班牙语学校。
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(9)环毛状(whorled) 除触角的基部两节外,鞭节的各亚节环生一圈细毛,愈靠近基部的细毛愈长,渐渐向端部逐减. 如蚊类的触角. (10)球杆状(clavate) 或称棍棒状. 鞭节基部若干亚节细长如丝,端部数节逐渐膨大如球,全形象一棒球杆.
whorl 螺纹 | whorled 有涡漩的 | whortleberry 越橘
whole rice grain 完整米 | whorled 轮生的 | wide field trial 大区试验
whoremasterwhoremonger 嫖客 | whorled 有螺纹的 | whorled 有涡漩的
Whorled leaf:轮生叶
叶子是植物的重要器官之一,叶原(primordial leaf)由茎芽之生长点(apex)邻近的外层细胞分裂而成,渐渐向外生长;若茎或枝上每节(node)仅生一叶者,称为互生叶(alternate leaf),每节著生二叶者,称为对生叶(oppositive leaf),每节著生三叶或三叶以上者,称为轮生叶(whorled leaf).
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