英语人>词典>英汉 : warrant officer的中文,翻译,解释,例句
warrant officer的中文,翻译,解释,例句

warrant officer

warrant officer的基本解释


Warrant Officer
warrant officer所属的单词分类
Military / 军事 [225]

national security · gunnery sergeant · dog tags · armored vehicle · amphibious vehicle · Zulu time · Purple Heart · PT boat · bow and arrow · rocket artillery

更多网络例句与warrant officer相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coast Guard chief warrant officer Adam Wine says the work involves using special towels to wipe up the sticky oil.


Mario Vittone, a chief warrant officer with the Coast Guard, lost his father as a child.

Mario Vittone是海岸巡防署的一级准尉,他在童年时丧父。

This is Warrant Officer Swart.


More top-down form of the warrant officer system, and establish a good working mechanisms to ensure the completion of the construction work credit file system.


A certificate of appointment given to a warrant officer.


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更多网络解释与warrant officer相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chief Warrant Officer:準尉

条令规定总准尉(chief warrant officer)的军衔标志为一条宽3/8英寸(0.95cm),长1英寸(2.54cm)的金色圆边横杠,横杠上有一棕色搪瓷片,搪瓷片中央有一条宽1/8英寸(0.32cm)的金色纵向条纹.

Chief Warrant Officer:一级准尉

Second Lieutenant 少尉 | Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉 | Warrant Officer, Junior Grade 二级准尉

Chief Warrant Officer:海军一级准尉

Ensign 海军少尉 | Chief Warrant Officer 海军一级准尉 | Warrant Officer 海军二级准尉

warrant officer:准尉

有一次,在海边参加体能考试跑步时,许多护士兵都跑来请我为他们代祷,有位准尉(Warrant Officer)却半带取笑地说:"军牧不单要为我们代祷,更加要为自己代祷,因为我们不想失去他.

warrant officer:二级准尉

master sergeant 军士长 | warrant officer 二级准尉 | chief warrant officer 一级准尉

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