英语人>词典>英汉 : warrant的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

warrant ['wɔ:rənt]

第三人称单数:[warrants]  动词过去式:[warranted]  过去分词:[warranted]  现在分词:[warranting]  

正当理由, 根据, 委任状, 证明, 批准, 凭证, 授权, 许可证

  • The police must have a search warrant to search a house.
  • 警察要搜查一座房屋必须有搜查证。
  • He had no warrant for his suspicion.
  • 他没有理由那么怀疑。
  • Have you got a warrant of fitness for your car?
  • 你有没有一张汽车合格证书?

保证, 担保, 批准, 使有正当理由, 辩解

  • I warrant you he is telling the truth.
  • 我向你保证他说的是真话。
  • The storekeeper warranted the goods as of the first quality.
  • 店主保证货物品质第一。
v. guarantee
n. vow · oath · certificate · assurance · authorization · pledge · mandate · voucher · reason · writ · sanction · right · guarantee · word · justification · authority · promise
Legal / 法律 [179]

summary judgment  ·  sidebar  ·  plea bargain  ·  hung jury  ·  family law  ·  constitutional law  ·  bar exam  ·  aid and abet  ·  voir dire  ·  probable cause

更多 网络例句 与warrant相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bench warrant = warrant issued by a court for the arrest of an accused person has not appeared to answer charges.


Army Chief Warrant Officer Amber Smith is an OH-58 Kiowa Warrior pilot; Lacey Smith is an Army chief warrant officer and flies the UH-60 Black Hawkl; and Air Force Captain Kelly Smith serves as a C-130 Hercules pilot.


But if a man be lawfully imprisoned, and either to procure his discharge, or on any other fair account, seals a bond or a deed, this is not by duress of imprisonment, and he is not at liberty to avoid it.36 To make imprisonment lawful, it must either be, by process from the courts of judicature, or by warrant from some legal officer, having authority to commit to prison; which warrant must be in writing, under the hand and seal of the magistrate, and express the causes of the commitment, in order to be examined into upon a habeas corpus.


更多网络解释 与warrant相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


不论该发行人是否保留作出以下选择的权利:即以现金支付相等于行使价超逾该等普通股的价值的部分(如有的话),而该认股权证的持有人则不会将该等股份交付该发行人; (2000年第223号法律公告;2002年第5号第407(2)条)"认股权证"(warrant)指─(c)任何属认沽权证的证券,


首先我先给大家讲讲:什么是认股权证,认股权证(Warrant)俗称"窝轮". 作为一种变相期权,已被证券市场公认为最高风险的投资工具之一. 它的最大魅力是在交易平台上,其涨跌幅远远超越股票,单日升跌幅度更可高达数倍,


作者主张用"保证"(Warrant)取代"核证",并且运用其建立的"阿奎那/加尔文"模型,严整地论证了基督教信念是如何在"保证"的意义上能够成为"真"的知识. 本书规模宏大,跌宕起伏,业已成为基督教哲学的一部新经典.


(吉隆坡讯)马来西亚一名投资者昨天申诉马来西亚交易所(Bursa Malaysia)没有把投资性质的"凭单"(warrant)和投机性质的"看涨凭单"(call warrant)分开,导致他误购风险高的看涨凭单,损失约2400万令吉(986万新元).

warehouse warrant:仓单

危机终结了法兰西银行保守的票据贴现政策,将贴现业务延展到仓单(Warehouse Warrant)、政府债券和三方签署的商业票据(Three-Signature Commercial Paper)等领域,同时获准发行面额100法郎的纸币,这样就把法兰西银行的影响力推向了全国.

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