英语人>词典>英汉 : voting trust的中文,翻译,解释,例句
voting trust的中文,翻译,解释,例句

voting trust

voting trust的基本解释

[经] 委托表决权

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In Chapter five the author will make research on practice of voting trust in China, which is the objective of this dissertation.


Chapter three is to illustrate the powers and obligations of the parties to the voting trust agreement.


It also provides a new train of thought to perfect the system of voting trust.


In overseas,the regulation of Voting Trust is relatively completed.


At 975. Subsequently, more and more state legislatures gradually acknowledged the utility of the voting trust.


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voting trust:表决权信托

公司领域应用信托的另一方面是"表决权信托"(Voting Trust),是指公司两个以上的股东依据信托契约,在一定期间,将他们所持有的股份转移给受托人, 由受托人持有并集中行使股份上的表决权.

voting trust:投票信托

在美国公司法中,依据信托法的理论规定了"投票信托"(voting trust) 制度. 投票信托的一方是"委托人",另一方是"受托人",委托人原来是公司的股东. 在建立投票信托时,委托人将股票的"法律所有权"(legal title) 和投票权转让给受托人,

voting trust:委托股票权

voting right 有投票權 | voting trust委托股票權 | voucher付款憑單,記帳憑單

voting trust:股权信托

vostro account,loro account 來帳(國際匯兌) | voting trust 股權信託 | voting trust certificate 股權委託書

voting trust certificate:股权委托书

voting trust 股權信託 | voting trust certificate 股權委託書 | vouch 審核,查定

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