英语人>词典>英汉 : volume displacement的中文,翻译,解释,例句
volume displacement的中文,翻译,解释,例句

volume displacement

volume displacement的基本解释


更多 网络例句 与volume displacement相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bindings worn, some corners showing cardboard at tips, hinges rubbed, most hinges starting to crack at top and bottom, 3 upper hinges cracked along half the length but covers still holding, some spines slightly chipped at top or bottom, title label missing on Volume I, label slightly chipped on 3 volumes, inscription to all pastedowns, occasional light staining and light soiling mainly to margins and chiefly in Volume I, some ink splashed on fore-edges of Volume II, just showing at edge of title page, small piece torn from fore-edge of 1 page in Volume I with loss of about 3 words on recto and verso, small closed tear to margin in Volume III, 2 in Volume IV, 1 just entering text, all neatly repaired with no loss of text, small piece missing from 1 corner in Volume V, no loss of text, title page of Volume VII slightly browned and with small piece missing from fore-edge margin, small hole in 1 text page with loss of a few letters, all still easily legible, map of the world has several repairs to reverse, no loss of image, plus several misfolds, lightly browned along 1 vertical fold, some calculations in old ink on reverse of 1 map, tiny hole in 1 map with very slight loss, a small brown stain to 1 plate, 3 tiny holes in lower margin of 1 plate.


The maj or obj ect of this paper is the medium.small size concrete dams that have been used for many years.They have the characteristic that the alteration of water height of reservoirs is unobvious and the dams, displacements are affected mainly by temperature.With a case,the method of stepwise regression is used to analyze the vertical displacement prototyDe observed data.Then regression equation is established,the relation of dam,s displacement with hydraulic pressure、temperature、time effect is analyzed and the displacement change rule is obtained,the dam'S displacement onlv dependent to temperature is received.According to the theory of Finite Elements Method,the quasi-stationary temperature field formula and temperature stress formula are deduced.The QTP program and TFEM3D program are written with FORTRAN.The same case is calculated through QTP program to solve the quasi-stationary temperature and through TFEM3 D program to solve the dam'S displacement and find tlle dam,s deformation rule.This rule is accordant with the regression,S resuIt.


On the basis of the present construction situation of Sinitic mountain tunnel method, the new concepts of ahead displacement, releasing displacement in excavating, early displacement and the later displacement, which are the new division from the tunnel excavation displacement three-dimensional effect, have been proposed.


更多网络解释 与volume displacement相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

volume displacement:容积排水量

volume density 体密度 | volume displacement 容积排水量 | volume efficiency 容积效率

volume displacement:容积流量计

volume-curvemethod曲线求积法 | volume-displacement容积流量计 | volume-heated通体加热的

volume displacement:排(开)水量

volume 容积;体积 | volume; displacement 排(开)水量 | volume; specific 比容

volume displacement:排量容积,排气量

"余隙容积","volume, clearance" | "排量容积,排气量","volume, displacement" | "比容","volume, specific"

swept volume, displacement:排量

工作容积 working volume | 排量 swept volume, displacement | 进气行程 intake stroke

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