英语人>词典>英汉 : virtuosi的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

virtuosi [,və:tju'əusi:; -tʃu-]


古玩癖, 名家

n. virtuoso
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Anthony Camden is a solo oboist of the London Virtuosi. He came from a musical family: his father, a distinguished bassoonist, performed with Toscanini, his mother was a cellist, and his brother the clarinet.


Mr. Mao also serves as the concertmaster of the Delaware Valley Philharmonic Orchestra, Riverside Symphonia, the Philadelphia Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra and Edison Symphony Orchestra.


He also yielded to none in his admiration of Rossini's Stabat Mater , a work simply abounding in immortal numbers, in which his wife, Madam Marion Tweedy, made a hit, a veritable sensation, he might safely say, greatly adding to her other laureis and putting the others totally in the shade, in the jesuit fathers' church in upper Gardiner street, the sacred edifice being thronged to the doors to hear her with virtuosos, or virtuosi rather.


As a soloist, he appeared with orchestras such as the Jupiter Symphony, NEC Symphony, Corelliard Chamber Orchestra, the Brunswick Symphony Orchestra, Riverside Symphonia, Edison Symphony, the Philadelphia Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra and Rutgers University Orchestra among many others.


And you'll find real virtuosi in all those fields - Benjamin Verdery


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virtueless 无美德的 | virtuosi 古玩癖 | virtuosity 艺术鉴别力

Moscow Virtuosi:莫斯科演奏家樂團

114 Montreal Symphony Orchestra滿地可蒙特利爾交響樂團 | 115 Moscow Virtuosi莫斯科演奏家樂團 | 116 Munich Bayerischer Rundfunk慕尼黑拜洛廣播電台樂團

Chinese Music Virtuosi:(龢鸣乐坊)

Chinese Arts Performing Ensemble of Hong Kong (中华民族管弦乐团) | Chinese Music Virtuosi (龢鸣乐坊) | Choi Yuen Art Centre (彩园艺术中心)

Australian Wind Virtuosi:澳洲木管樂名家樂團

12 Australia Ensemble澳洲室樂團 | 13 Australian Wind Virtuosi澳洲木管樂名家樂團 | 14 Austrian Youth Phiharmonic Orchestra奧地利青年管弦樂團

I Virtuosi de Roma:羅馬音樂家樂團

74 I Musici意大利音樂家室樂團 | 75 I Virtuosi de Roma羅馬音樂家樂團 | 76 Illinois Chamber Orchestra, The伊利諾斯室樂團