英语人>词典>英汉 : virtual reality的中文,翻译,解释,例句
virtual reality的中文,翻译,解释,例句

virtual reality

virtual reality的基本解释


更多 网络例句 与virtual reality相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover it delimitates correlative concept such as upper limit and lower limit of virtual operating , low - level and high - level of virtual operating , virtual operating and virtual operating ecosystem , quasi - virtual operating and standard virtual operating , virtual cooperation , physical operating , the strategy of virtual operating and so on


Show model combines growth model, math model and VR technologies to design the proper object structure of each organ of virtual plant. First of all,research background, research content of virtual plant area and Virtual Reality technology are introduced. The concept of VR and research content of virtual plant are defined. Secondly, we analyze math model of virtual plant, including Bezier curve, NURBS curved surface, fractal system, L-system and Catenary curve. Thirdly, we give show model of virtual plant in detail. Finally, the design of the platform and growth model on XML script is introduced , and how to show the virtual plant in the platfrom is discussed too.


Effectively integrated the mine physical natural environment information into the mine virtual environment, the MSNE model can enrich enormously the virtual environment knowledge and enhance its practicabilityThirdly, the modeling method of virtual human in MIVE was studied systematically and an intelligent virtual miner model was constructed. The intelligent miner has lifelike human appearance and possesses abroad ability of perception, motion, behavior, cognition and mental state. And a behavior control model based on the simpled consumption architecture was proposed to select, activate and terminate the basic reactive behavior for virtual miner. And some intelligent behaviors including vision perception, path planning and self-determining ramble also were studied. The intelligence and interaction of virtual environment are just embodied by the intelligent life, especially by the intelligent behaviors of virtual human.


更多网络解释 与virtual reality相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

virtual reality:虚拟现实

随着科技的发展,"虚拟现实"(Virtual Reality)技术已发展得相当先进,它的原理与上述"计算机仿真"一样,但它是更全面的仿真,即用计算机来仿真现实的外境.

virtual reality:虚拟实境

首先,它把10年来已经被很多人拍过的"虚拟实境"(Virtual Reality)发挥得淋漓尽致,宣称我们所身处的世界根本是虚构,真实时空全在脑海之外. 这简直就是现代哲学里头"缸中之脑"这个著名隐喻的鲜活体现. 所谓的"缸中之脑"指的是想像全身上下就只剩下一个大脑,

virtual reality:(虚拟实现)

高技术支持的虚拟实现(virtual reality)可以将人们带进一个虚幻的模拟空间去漫游和体验. 电子文献借助计算机被海量存储,又借助计算机网络流向四面八方,它是当代文献的一道风景线. 有人说电子文献是人类在知识生产与交流方面继语言、文字和活字印刷以来的第四次革命.

virtual reality:虚拟真实

在这个"虚拟真实"(virtual reality)当道的时代,真真假假的分界越来越混淆不清. 同样的,激进与保守反动的区隔也变得越来越没有意义. 激进的作品其内容与形式很快地被资本主义体系所吸纳,再生产为可在市场销售的商品了.

VR: Virtual Reality:虚拟实境

未来的网路使用将是 WWW 的天下.WWW促使文件由纯文字型态发展为图文并貌的多媒体文件型态,在Java语言兴起之后,又逐渐使文件由静态转为动态,近来更引进虚拟实境(VR Virtual Reality)技术,更使文件由平面转为3D立体空间.此外,

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