英语人>词典>英汉 : violon的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


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As early as 1689 or 1692, Jacques-Martin Hotteterremay have held a post as basse de hautbois et basse de violon in theroyal court, but it is possible that the Jacques Hotteterre in this post was anolder relative of Jacques-Martin's, who had been earlier employed as a musicianin the English Royal court.


Besides leading Sinfonia Varsovia and the Polish Chamber Orchestra, he has performed with, and directed, many chamber and symphonic orchestras in Poland and abroad. In 1991-92 he was the Premier Violon Solo of the Orchestre de Chambre National de Toulouse.


They made me learn to play the violon and then the piano.


First, this english teacher with her rond and angelic face dodeling while she's playing violon will make you think that she may have the sweetest personnality ever.


In the enrolling days, some of the predecessors exhorted to us that three things were a must, i.e. exam failure, girlfriend and at least a specialty such as playing the violon.


更多网络解释与violon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


妮基的作品如<<小提琴>>(Violon) (ca.1960-61) 以熨斗、破碎的小提琴和各种金属物件混合油彩、石膏,固定在夹板上,让我们联想到毕卡索解构的吉他雕塑或达达主义者曼雷 (Man Ray) 去功能的装上钉子的熨斗,名之为<<礼物>>(Gift, 1921).


专业:小提琴violon | 中提琴alto | 大提琴violoncelle

violon n.m:小提琴

violette n.f. 堇菜 | violon n.m. 小提琴 | violoncelle n.m. 大提琴

violon n.m:小提琴 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

violette n.f. 堇菜 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网 | violon n.m. 小提琴 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网 | violoncelle n.m. 大提琴 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

Le Violon rouge:红色小提琴

纪念碑大街 Snitch (1998) | 红色小提琴 Le Violon rouge (1998) | 苦难 Affliction (1997)

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